社會科學院: 社會工作學研究所指導教授: 陳毓文宋黛薇Sung, Tai-WeiTai-WeiSung2017-03-032018-06-282017-03-032018-06-282016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/273614個人的職業發展與選擇可以說是存續於代間社會經濟不平等的結果,對於父母職業地位低的少年來說,他們更可能經歷到金錢不足、缺乏參與機會、就學升學能力落後等不利於累積人力資本的生活情況,這些貧窮匱乏的經驗形塑了日後他們成長的習慣與態度,亦會影響他們對日後生涯的規劃與行為特質。本研究站在職業發展的社會學觀點,透過由地位取得模型發展而來的職業抱負預測模型,檢視經濟弱勢少年的職業抱負概況,並探討影響其職業抱負發展之相關因素。 本研究採量化研究典範中的次級資料分析,使用家庭扶助基金會建立的「台灣貧窮兒少資料庫─2013年弱勢兒少生活趨勢調查報告」,選取其中在接受調查當年是國中生的968位少年為研究樣本,並以迴歸取向的路徑分析驗證研究架構。結果顯示,經濟弱勢少年的職業抱負多具有中高、或中低聲望,呈兩極化分布;在直接效果的部分,家長期待愈高、少年學業成就愈高,少年職業抱負之社會聲望也愈高;在間接效果的部分,家庭物質環境、家長對少年的教育期待皆能透過學業成就影響職業抱負之社會聲望;整體模型可以解釋少年職業抱負社會聲望13.7%的變異量。 根據上述研究結果,本研究建議少年就業方案的實務工作者將家長納入處遇計畫中,同時,也需要政府投入資源支持辦理方案的民間單位,以利工作者更深入協助少年與家庭,最後,若能在兒童時期介入,提供經濟弱勢家庭充足的教育資源,使其也有相同的機會培養兒童學前能力,將有助於日後的學業成就,進一步影響職業抱負的正向發展。The occupational development and choice tends to be a result of socioeconomic inequality transmitted between generations. Youth whose parents are in low occupational status are more likely to go through the lack of financial resources and opportunities, and being left behind as to school capacities. These can be detrimental to their accumulation of human capitals. Experiences caused by poverty can influence their values and attitudes later in life, as well as their future career plannings. From the sociological perspective of occupational development, this study examined the occupational aspirations of economically-disadvantaged youth based on a model modified from the Status Attainment Model proposed by Schoon & Parsons (2002), so as to have an overview of factors associated with their occupational aspirations. The study used data from the Taiwan Database of Children and Youth in Poverty - The Panel Study in 2013, set up by Taiwan CCF. A total of 968 junior high school students were selected as samples for this study. Path analysis with a regression approach was used to test the proposed model. The results indicated that most economically-disadvantaged youth aspired to have a job with either a high-intermediate or a low-intermediate prestige, which appeared to have a polarized phenomenon. Parental expectations and academic performance have direct and positive impacts on the prestige levels of their occupational aspirations. Furthermore, the impacts of family material conditions and parental expectations on occupational aspirations are mediated via academic performance. Overall, the model can explain 13.7% of the variance in occupational aspirations. According to the findings, this study suggests that practitioners should involve parents in the job training programs. At the same time, the government also needs to invest resources to support the training programs to provide further assistance for the parents and the youth. Finally, it will be more desirable to intervene starting from the early childhood for those from economically-disadvantaged families. Through providing families with sufficient educational resources, allowing children to have equal opportunities for good education, their future academic performances can be enhanced. And following that, the positive development of occupational aspirations of youth is also expected.4654282 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2016/8/24論文使用權限: 同意無償授權經濟弱勢少年職業抱負職業發展少年就業方案路徑分析economically-disadvantaged youthoccupational aspirationsoccupational developmentyouth job training programpath analysis[SDGs]SDG4[SDGs]SDG10經濟弱勢少年職業抱負與影響因素─以家扶基金會所服務之少年為例Factors Influencing the Occupational Aspirations of Economically Disadvantaged Youth: A Study on the Youth Served by Taiwan CCFthesis10.6342/NTU201601860http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/273614/1/ntu-105-R01330012-1.pdf