臺灣大學: 化學研究所張煥宗徐斌哲Hsu, Pin-ChePin-CheHsu2013-04-112018-07-102013-04-112018-07-102012http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/257267本論文旨在開發與合成對環境友善之多功能性碳奈米點(carbon nanodots, C-dots)。論文主要分成三大部分,除分別對現有製備方法與純化流程加以改進外,更衍生出碳奈米點材料之廣大應用價值。第一部分為首次利用咖啡渣結合水熱法合成大量具螢光特性之碳奈米點材料,並成功應用為細胞顯影探針觀察細胞影像與SALDI-MS基質偵測生物分子;第二部分為使用茶葉渣合成出兼具水溶性與多功能性之碳奈米點,因合成後之碳奈米點仍保有茶葉中兒茶素部分官能基於材料表面,使其不需額外修飾即可選擇性抑制乳癌細胞(MCF-7和MDA-MB-231)之生長,此結果有別於文獻所報導之碳奈米點特性,增加了在生物分析和藥物開發之應用價值;第三部分則為利用簡單且便宜之有機物,不需經由表面鈍化試劑或強酸輔助即可製備具高量子產率(QY = 30.6 %)之碳奈米點,研究中發現,化合物具備氨基與羧基官能基有助於量子產率之提升。因此,本論文不僅開發簡化且便利性之合成方法,更因高量子產率與可大量製備等優勢,進一步開闢了碳奈米點在未來生物分析之潛力。This study aims to develop an environmentally benign method for the preparation of multifunctional carbon dots (C-dots). In chapter one, We have discussed a green synthetic approach for the preparation of photoluminescent C-dots from used coffee grounds. This is the first example of the large-scale hydrothermal synthesis of C-dots from used coffee grounds, which demonstrated two analytical applications [cell imaging and surface-assisted laser desorption/ionization-mass spectrometry (SALDI-MS)] showing its great practical potential. In chapter two, a highly water-soluble benign approach for the preparation of multifunctional C-dots from used green tea have been demonstrated. The inhibitory activity of C-dots is likely to be associated with catechins and their derivatives on the surfaces of C-dots. Unlike most of the C-dots preparation methods reported in the literature, the C-dots prepared from used green tea are highly effective and selective inhibitors for breast cancer cells (MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231), offering high practical potential for use in bioanalysis and medicine. In chapter three, a simple one-pot hydrothermal approach has been demonstrated for the preparation of highly water soluble and photoluminescent C-dots. We found that the compounds having amino and carboxylic acid groups are suitable for the preparation of high quantum yield C-dots (QY = 30.6 %). Therefore, this study not only revealed the development of simplified and convenient synthesis of C-dots, but also demonstrated large-scale preparation of high quantum yield C-dots. In addition, the as-prepared C-dots showed their great practical potentiality, which opens up further bioanalytical applications.140 bytestext/htmlen-US碳奈米點綠茶咖啡細胞顯影探針癌症抑制SALDI-MS基質C-dotsgreen teacoffeecell-imaging probecancer inhibitorSALDI-MS matrix[SDGs]SDG3螢光碳奈米點之合成與應用Synthesis and Applications of Photoluminescent Carbon Nanodotsthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/257267/1/index.html