工學院: 建築與城鄉研究所指導教授: 王志弘楊宜靜Yang, Yi ChingYi ChingYang2017-03-032018-06-292017-03-032018-06-292015http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/273673近年非正式住區受土地經管機關以訴訟方式迫遷,顯示司法作為一種處理非正式住區的機制,越加被倚重,此趨勢展現出什麼樣的國家與社會關係變化?本研究從公有土地占用處理之制度場域的轉變,以及受迫遷者的反迫遷行動此兩個面向切入,考察非正式住區拆遷的司法化轉向,其特點、形成動力及效果,並同時探究居民在迫遷處境中,如何遭遇、想像並認識國家,理解並詮釋自身處境及與其他行動者的關係。 透過對官方檔案、法律文本及社會史料的考察,本研究分析公有土地占用處理制度場域,區分出1982年以前仰賴「納入合法管理」的占用處理、1982-1989年積極處理占用的開端、1990-2001年「非法化排除」的擴張與合法管理場域的緻密化,以及2002年迄今擴大「非法化排除」四個階段。「納入合法管理」與「非法化排除」的雙元占用處理模式在不同階段的變化,受到國家財政狀況、民主化及文明化工程、部門關係調整及基礎行政能力所影響,並在財政與法治論述的擴散中推進。 90年代後,在新自由主義體制逐漸成形同時,國家於實際運作上遭遇財政困境,原有的發展主義心態導引出「土地開發引導的發展」、「產權」與「司法」,三者共構的主導框架。因而,逐漸強調司法介入的「非法化排除」方式,強化「合法╱非法」的分野與私產權邏輯,也使國家角色發生質變,國家與特定人民的關係轉變為擬似「私人」與「私人」的關係。 居民遭遇迫遷時所採取的策略及其對自身處境的思考,是考察「國家與社會關係」的另一個重要切面。本研究以扎根理論為基礎,分析居民與志願組織在反迫遷行動中,透過「法治」、「財產」、「權利」等概念,表述其自身狀態與定位的挪移,也展現他們對政府、人民與政府關係的重新定位。透過權利的認識與再認識、解構與再建構來重新定位,正是對抗政府於擴大非法化排除場域時同步單一化其自身角色,使國家與人民進入私法關係的趨勢。In recent years, there are more and more informal settlements on public-owned land evicted through law suit by public-owned land management agencies. This phenomenon shows that the government increasingly relied on justice, regarding it as a mechanism to deal with informal settlements. This tendency shows some kind of changes in the relationship between state and society. To understand the character, motivation and affection of informal settlement eviction, and explore how residents imagine and understand state, interpreting their own situation and relationships with other actors, this study analyzed changes in the institutional field of “occupied public-owned land” and anti-eviction action. This study analyzed the mechanism to deal with “occupied public-owned land”, separating the past 70 years to four stages: a) before 1982: legitimizing the occupied, b) 1982-1989: preparing to actively deal with the occupied, c) 1990-2001: expanding ""delegitimized excluding"" and densifying the management field, and d) after 2002: fastly expand the ""delegitimized excluding"". From 1945 to 2015, focus of the mechanism changes from legitimizing to delegitimized the occupied. It is effected by the financial situation of the state, democratization and civilizing project, relationship between departments in government, and infrastructural power. Besides, the financial and justice discourse also promotes the change. After 1990s, neo-liberalism regime formed in Taiwan gradually; at the same time, the state was facing the financial difficulties. Developmentalism mentality promoted the dominant framing structure which is constituted of the three, “development based on land-development”, ""property right"" and ""justice"". ""Delegitimized excluding"" emphasizes judicial intervention, strengthening private property rights and the logical distinction between ""legal / illegal"" Therefore, the role of state and the relationship between the state and people change to quasi-private. In addition, the strategy residents take and the thinking of their own situation when they are suffered by eviction, is another important aspect to examine ""the relationship between state and society"". Based on grounded theory, this study analyzed residents’ understanding and use of ""justice"", ""property"", and especially ""rights"", which present in anti-eviction actions, including personal interference, self-help action, social movements and participatory planning. These words or actions not only presents how residents understand their own situation, positioning themselves, but also means how they relocate to the state, government, and the relations between people and government. This study reveals that the anti-eviction actions is a process of deconstruction and re-constructed of people’s rights, and is a project against the change of state’s role and the relationship between state and society.4978287 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2017/3/16論文使用權限: 同意無償授權非正式住區迫遷公有地華光權利法治主義informal settlementforced-evictionpublic-owned landHuaguangrightslegalism[SDGs]SDG16國家與社會關係的司法中介與權利折衝:公有地上非正式住區拆遷的治理與抵抗The Judicial Mediation and Rights Dilemma of State-Society Relations: Eviction Mechanism and Resistance within Informal Settlements on Public-Owned Landthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/273673/1/ntu-104-R00544009-1.pdf