國立臺灣大學日本語文學系Department of Japanese Language and Literature, National Taiwan University陳明姿2017-09-112018-05-292017-09-112018-05-292009-12http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/282778本篇論文主要是探討在以《今昔物語集》為主的日本古代文學理的狐狸角色與中國古代的文學有何關連及異同。《日本書記》等《六國史》因受到《山海經》、《藝文類聚》等中國典集的影響,書理所敘述的狐狸都扮演預告吉凶的角色。進入平安時代之後由於更加受到佛教故事等的中國文學的影響,出現在物語文學、說話文學理的狐狸較前一時代出現在《六國史》等的狐狸更具多元性。說話文學的代表作《今昔物語集》裡出現與狐狸有關的故事共計有31則,當中對狐狸角色有較詳細敘述者計有14則。筆者在本篇論文裡,特別聚焦於這14則故事,探討其與中國古代文學裡的狐狸故事有何關連及異同。Taking Konjyakumonogatarisyuu as a paradigm of ancient Japanese literature, this thesis will compare and contrast the characteristics of the role, of the fox, as seen in the ancient literature of China and Japan. Having been influenced by Chinese literature such as Shan Hai Jing ("Collection of the Mountains and Seas”) and Yiwen Leiju ("Collection of Literature Arranged by Categories"), the fox in Rikkokushi such as Nihonnshokki is often portrayed as having the ability to foretell good and bad fortune. During the Heian period, the fox starts to take on a wider variety of roles in Monogatari and Setsuwa literature than in Rikkokushi in the precious period of time, due to the further influence of ancient Chinese sources such as Buddhist parables. Konjyakumonogatarisyuu, a representative work of Setsuwa literature, contains 31 stories in total concerning the fox, 14 of which have a more comprehensive description of it. This thesis will focus on the 14 stories in order to examine how the role of fox in ancient Chinese literature correlates with their counterpart in ancient Japanese literature.1187334 bytesapplication/pdf說話文學今昔物語集狐狸太平廣記角色Setsuwa literatureKonjyakumonogatarisyuufoxTaiheikoukirole『今昔物語集』裡的狐狸故事與中國文學Fox Tales in Konjyakumonogatarisyuu and Chinese Literaturejournal article10.6183/ntujp.2009.18.1http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/282778/1/0018_200912_1.pdf