電機資訊學院: 電子工程學研究所指導教授: 呂學士林子揚Lin, Tzu-YangTzu-YangLin2017-03-062018-07-102017-03-062018-07-102016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/276249近年來,老年人口的快速增加超越我們可提供醫療的能力。使用無線監測與紀錄的技術來幫助病人即時的獲得生理參數是必要的。因此,本論文將提出應用於生醫領域之超再生式接收機,以及改善內部電路裡的振盪器的鎖相迴路,最後針對此超再生式接收機的根本問題進行分析和解決。 本篇論文提出的超再生式接收機及鎖相迴路皆實作在聯華電子0.18 微米製程。超再生式接收機為解調振幅偏移調變的訊號,主要操作在402M-405MHz的頻帶,及1.5伏特的電壓,量測到的靈敏度為-62dBm,資料率為100K bps,功耗為561.7微瓦。鎖相迴路為改善超再生式接收機裡振盪器的性能,使用石英振盪器作為參考頻率,以及三階之迴路濾波器,操作電壓亦為1.5伏特。 最後對於超再生式接收機的根本問題作分析。其核心電路之振盪器易受溫度及製程的變異,而影響到啟動時間的初始值及斜率,進而造成解調階段的錯誤,在此提出了方法來解決問題。再者,針對超再生式接收機的位元錯誤率及最佳偵測點作探討,以達到最低的位元錯誤率。In recent years, a rapidly aging population is far outstripping our ability to provide services to support it. Using wireless monitoring and recording for real-time physiological parameters from a patient body is necessary. Therefore, a super-regenerative receiver for biomedical applications and a phase-locked loop for improving voltage controlled oscillator are proposed in this thesis. At last, we do analysis on fundamental problems of super-regenerative receiver and put forward methods to solve them. The super-regenerative receiver and phase-locked loops are both implemented and fabricated in UMC standard 0.18 CMOS process. The super-regenerative receiver is to demodulated OOK signals. It operates at 402M-405M Hz and 1.5 Volt. The measured sensitivity is -62dBm with 100K bps data rate, and power consumption is 561.7uW. The phase-locked loop is to improve the performance of voltage controlled oscillator in the super-regenerative receiver. We use a crystal oscillator as reference frequency, and a third-order loop filter. It also operates at 1.5 Volt. Finally, we analyze fundamental problems in super-regenerative receiver. The core circuit, voltage controlled oscillator, is vulnerable to variations brought by temperature and process, and influences the initial value and slope of start-up time. As a result, some errors arise during the demodulation stage. We propose some methods to solve those problems. Besides, we also investigate bit error rate and the optimal signal detection point of the super-regenerative receiver, in order to achieve minimum bit error rate.4943882 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2021/8/30論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋本人)超再生式接收機鎖相迴路振幅偏移調變振盪器位元錯誤率super-regenerative receiverphase-locked loopOOKoscillatorbit error rate應用於生醫領域之超再生式接收機Super-Regenerative Receiver for Biomedical Applicationsthesis10.6342/NTU201602723http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/276249/1/ntu-105-R03943078-1.pdf