管理學院: 資訊管理組指導教授: 陳鴻基; 黃崇興張建發Chang, Chien-FaChien-FaChang2017-03-062018-06-292017-03-062018-06-292016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/275662科技的進步和手機的普及使得推播廣告的行銷方式逐漸興起。推播廣告不但可以選定特定客群進行廣告訊息的推播,更可以選定特定時間進行廣告的推播,以達到最高的廣告效益。雖然過去有許多研究針對推播廣告的商業模式和廣告語意進行分析,但較少有研究針對廣告的推播時間進行探討。 因此,本研究透過問卷和客製App兩種不同方式進行推播廣告發送時間的研究。結果顯示,提供專屬優惠或是紅利積點活動可以增加推播廣告的效益,而推播時間方面,不同的時間推播相同的廣告確實會有不同的效益,且週末晚上的推播效益高於其他所研究的時段。Advances in technology and mobile usage have brought about the rise of push ads. Push ads can not only push certain marketing content toward specific user groups, but can also push certain marketing content during certain times. Even though there have been many previous studies examining the business models of push ads and ad wording and phrase usage, there have been relatively fewer studies that examine the impact of push times on ad effectiveness. This study used a survey and a custom-made mobile app to examine the impact of push times on ad effectiveness. Our results showed that apps containing sales information and loyalty programs can increase ad effectiveness, and that differing push times do indeed result in differing ad effectiveness, with the highest results achieved on weekend evenings.論文使用權限: 不同意授權推播廣告行銷行銷策略行動裝置手機廣告push adsmarketingmarketing strategymobile devicemobile ads行動推播訊息廣告發送時間對於廣告效益之影響與實證探討A Study of the Impact of Advertising Times on Push Ad Efficacythesis10.6342/NTU201601847