臺灣大學哲學系助理教授Assistant professor, National Taiwan University.楊植勝2017-09-082018-05-292017-09-082018-05-292015-10http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/281869本文論證黑格爾哲學的理性概念是基督宗教博愛誡命的理性化。基督宗教的博愛誡命是《聖經》的「新約」最重要的誡命;它超越卻實現「舊約」裡的法律。它具有矛盾的特性,尤以「愛仇人」的命令為典型。但是它也因此把有限的人提升到無限。黑格爾的理性概念在這些方面都與它相同:揚棄律則,對人類知性表現為矛盾,並且被把握為屬於無限的領域。This paper argues that the concept of reason in Hegel’s philosophy is the rationalization of the commandment of love in Christianity. The commandment of love is the greatest one in the New Testament of the Bible. Love surpasses but also fulfils the law of the Old Testament. There is contradiction in the commandment, which is most evident in the command ‘love for enemies.’ Nevertheless, only by love is the mortal raised to the divine and the infinite. Hegel’s reason has all of these characteristics: it sublates the law; it appears as something contradictory to human understanding; and it is comprehended as belonging to the infinite.2088398 bytesapplication/pdf黑格爾、愛、理性、知性Hegel, love, reason, understanding愛的理性化─黑格爾哲學的理性與基督宗教的博愛Love Becoming Reason: The Concept of Reason in Hegel’s Philosophy and the Commandment of Love in Christianityjournal article10.6276/NTUPR.2015.10.(50).04http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/281869/1/0050_201510_4.pdf