呂勝春臺灣大學:分子醫學研究所黃靜宜Huang, Jing-YiJing-YiHuang2007-11-262018-07-092007-11-262018-07-092004http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/51381HBXAP (Hepatitis B virus X-associated protein) 為Hepatitis B virus X 蛋白的交互蛋白質並且含有一個PHD finger domain。已知HBXAP和GAL4 DNA binding domain 融合後所形成的融合蛋白具有抑制transcription的弁遄A但其中的機制尚未十分明瞭。在本研究中我們將探討HBXAP及其交互作用蛋白的生理弁遄C在第一部分的結果中,我們證明HBXAP可以抑制TNFHepatitis B virus X-associated protein (HBXAP) is a PHD finger-containing protein and acts as a transcription repressor when tethered to the GAL4-DNA binding protein. However, the underlying molecular mechanism of transcription repression remains undefined. PHD finger, a specialized form of zinc finger, has been implicated in regulating chromatin organization or gene expression. Mutations of PHD domain are responsible for several diseases and in some cases lead to mislocalization of proteins. RSF, an isoform of HBXAP, has been shown to associate with hsnf2h and functions as a chromatin remodeling complex. In the present study, we investigate the biological functions of HBXAP and identify its associated proteins. We demonstrate that HBXAP represses TNF-Abstract (Chinese) 1 Abstract (English) 2 Introduction 4 Materials and Methods 7 Results 1. Functional interaction between nuclear matrix associated HBXAP and NF-KB 14 2. Functional interaction between FACT and PARP-1 in the RNA polymerase I-mediated transcription 23 Discussion 27 Tables and figures 33 References 51683761 bytesapplication/pdfen-US轉譯核仁HBXAPNF-kBnuclear matrixFACTnucleolus[SDGs]SDG3HBXAP及其交互作用之蛋白質的研究與探討Functional characterization of HBXAP and its associated proteinsotherhttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/51381/1/ntu-93-D87448005-1.pdf