國立臺灣大學農藝學系暨研究所劉麗飛2006-08-232018-07-112006-08-232018-07-111998-07-31http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/29652本子計畫利用粒子槍法將HVA22 基因啟動子之ABRC1(ABA-Response Complex 1)調控序列,接上Amy64 最 小啟動子,再以GUS 為報導基因, 轉殖到水稻中,以觀察 ABRC1 調控 序列在水稻中的表現。從PCR 及南方 氏墨點分析的結果顯示,共得到3 個 攜帶有 3 套 ABRC1及2 個攜帶有 4 套 ABRC1 的轉殖懸浮細胞系;在 不同的 ABA 濃度及時間處理後, GUS 酵素活性之表現隨著 ABA 濃 度提高及處理時間增長而大幅提高。 在 GUS 組織化學染色分析中施以 20μM ABA 處理,則可明顯的提高 GUS 在根部、葉片及花藥中的表現, 此結果亦見於其植株後代(T1),以上結 果證實了 ABRC1 序列可以在轉殖水 稻中受 ABA 調控,且能穩定的遺傳 至後代。另一方面,若將外加ABA 處 理改成以1% 鹽或4℃ 低溫處理 時,亦可提高GUS 的表現,但誘導 表現的幅度不若ABA 處理明顯。This project was conducted to explore the regulation and expression of ABA response complex1 (ABRC1) which was cloned from the promoter region of barley HVA22 gene. Four plasmids were used in this study which contain 1-4 copies of ABRC1, each was followed by Amy64 minimal promoter, and GUS reporter gene. From PCR and Southern blot, it revealed that 3 and 2 independent transformed cell lines harboring 3 and 4 copies of ABRC1, respectively, were available. Time course and ABA treatment assays showed that promotion of GUS activity was correlated with higher ABA concentration and longer treatment time. In histochemical analysis on T0 and T1 plants, GUS expression was enhanced by 20μM ABA drastically in roots, leaves and anthers. Besides, 1% sodium chloride or chilling could also increase GUS expression , but were not as good as ABA treatment.application/pdf37710 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學農藝學系暨研究所ABAABRC粒子槍GUSparticle bombardment溫度逆境下植物基因產物蛋白質的生理功能(2/3)ABRC gene expression regulated by low temperaturereporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/29652/1/872311B002018B01.pdf