2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714852Our top goal in teaching our students is to provide them with superior training in the field of agricultural economics. The undergraduate courses are designed to offer students systematic exposition of applied analyses and to build up their intuitive grasp of analytic tools. The core requirements for the undergraduate major include, among others, economics, statistics, accounting, agricultural development, marketing of agricultural products, and the economics of natural resources. Our undergraduate program prepares students for employment opportunities in academic or nonacademic careers. Many of our graduates have distinguished public service records for having played a major role in shaping agricultural policies of the country. The Masters program is designed to give students a sound foundation in economic theory and quantitative methods to prepare them for advanced study or professional needs. The Department of Agricultural Economics has a strong tradition of one-on-one mentoring of graduate students. Our Ph.D. program not only stresses the state-of-the-arts theory, but also provides an academic environment conducive to teamwork among faculty and students. The training helps students develop the ability of original thinking and researching in specialized fields.本系成立之時間可追溯至民國17年日據時代之台北帝國大學農業經濟講座。民國39年,隨著日據時代結束,原帝國大學改為國立臺灣大學,同時成立農學院並設立農業經濟學系,迄今已有80年歷史,畢業生人數已逾1,700人。民國49年為因應我國農業發展所需,乃成立農村社會經濟研究所,培育碩士班研究生。民國59年改為更專業化之農業經濟研究所,並進一步於民國76年成立博士班,培育高級農業經濟人才。至此,本系已然成為農業經濟領域教學與研究的重要單位。 本系設立的宗旨以培養我國高級農業經濟人才,配合國家現代化農業建設,並以追求世界一流之教學與研究水準,提升我國農業經濟學術地位為其發展目標。至民國95年止,碩士班畢業人數 為447人,博士班畢業生有49人。農經系培養的人才在政界及工商業服務的人數,歷年來不計其數,除了在政界各部門服務的系友之外,其餘在農工商金融界服務學以致用的系友亦對國家及社會有相當的貢獻。Agricultural EconomicsAcademic Institute