臺灣大學: 資訊管理學研究所翁崇雄曾莉婷Tseng, Li-TingLi-TingTseng2013-03-222018-06-292013-03-222018-06-292012http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/251095近年來,運算產業因為突起的雲端運算而產生劇烈的變革,除了資訊技術廠商皆積極尋求突破以外,許多IT顧問公司也持續關注著雲端運算應用的發展方向,尤其是這項運算產業的新風潮背後所隱藏的商機相當龐大,使得所有公司企業都期盼在這次的運算改革中,提升本身的競爭能力,獲得更多商業機會,開拓市場,而也因為雲端運算的重要性不容忽視,雲端技術的引進也可能會是未來企業重要的轉變,因此企業除了拓展商機,也要試圖讓企業內部接受新技術,使得新技術能確實發揮其功效與好處,因此為了能讓雲端運算的應用發揮效能,首先應突破的就是雲端運算使用者接受度問題。 過去已有相當多的研究在探討使用者科技接受議題,技術採用相關之理論更是逐漸完善,由於雲端運算含括許多獨特的運算特性,因而被視作一項新的IT技術,因此本研究進行雲端運算使用者接受度之探討,希望能了解影響雲端科技採用決策的因素,於是本研究使用科技接受模型為基礎,並加入創新擴散理論的重要因素,提出一個整合性的雲端運算使用者接受度模型,最後藉由實證研究證實此模型確實相當適宜且可用的。In recent years, due to the intense revolutions in the computing industry from surging development of cloud computing, not only information technology firms have tried hard to make a breakthrough, but also many IT consultant companies have kept focus on the development of cloud computing applications. Particularly, there will be massive business opportunities from this new trend in the computing industry. This fact makes every enterprise try to improve their competing capabilities during this revolution to gain more business opportunities and expand their markets. Since the importance of cloud computing cannot be ignored, the adoption of cloud technology in enterprise would be an important change. Therefore, in addition to expanding business opportunities, enterprises attempt to enhance the internal technology acceptance, and then the new technology would fulfill its functions and advantages. As a result, the first step to take is to solve the problems of user acceptance in order to take the advantages of cloud computing applications. There were many studies of user acceptance in the past, and the theories about technology adoption are getting perfect. Due to the unique characteristics, cloud computing is considered to be a new information technology. Therefore, this study focuses on exploring user acceptance of cloud computing in order to understand the decision factors of cloud technology adoption. We use Technology Acceptance Model as basic knowledge as well as Innovation Diffusion Theory to add important decision factors, and provide an integrated model of user acceptance of cloud computing. Through the empirical experiment we prove this model as a suitable and useful user acceptance model in cloud computing.964311 bytesapplication/pdfen-US科技接受度模型創新擴散理論雲端運算使用者接受度Technology Acceptance ModelInnovation Diffusion TheoryCloud ComputingUser Acceptance雲端運算科技之使用者接受度研究A Study of User Acceptance of Cloud Computing Technologythesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/251095/1/ntu-101-R99725036-1.pdf