生物資源暨農學院: 農業經濟學研究所指導教授: 羅竹平 博士莊邦政Chuang, Ban-ChenBan-ChenChuang2017-03-062018-06-292017-03-062018-06-292016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/275795摘要 本研究以國內H公司提供日本amifa公司,玫瑰保鮮花價格來跟台灣玫瑰鮮切花價格做比較分析,因此得知玫瑰鮮切花經特殊加工後之附加價值與未加工兩者差異為8倍以上之價差。進而延伸來探討蝴蝶蘭鮮切花和保鮮花的價格差異,並依據日本P公司蝴蝶蘭保鮮花價格來與台灣蝴蝶蘭鮮切花價格做比較分析,也得知其兩者價格差異有5~8倍之多。根據聯合國國際貿易中心統計資料,2015年全球鮮切花進口金額已達新台幣2仟3佰億元,相對等同於消費市場需求金額,可想而知保鮮花未來發展極具潛力。綜上所述,本研究發現保鮮花利用特殊加工技術來為花材創造新價值,而透過同中求異的概念,開創花卉產業未來新商機,以知識經濟帶動台灣花卉產業之轉型與升級。 關鍵字:玫瑰、蝴蝶蘭、鮮切花、保鮮花、不凋花、花卉產業Abstract The purpose of the research was to discover the product differentiation in flower industry. By using price analysis between Taiwan’s fresh cut roses and preserved roses which is quoted to Taiwan’s H company from Japan’s Amifa Inc. The result revealed the pricing of latter can be 8 times greater than former that has made an excess value of flowers. While moving forward to the market of orchids, the study has found 5 to 8 times of extra price difference in Japan’s P company preserved orchids when comparing to Taiwan’s fresh cut orchids. According to ITC (International Trading Center) statistics, the global import net value of fresh cut flowers had reached 230 billion New Taiwan Dollar in 2015, which is believed to represent the demand of consumer market share and the promising potential growth in future. In summary, the study findings may serve as a guide to create additional value after the ordinary cut flowers have proceeded with unique preserved process. By pursuing the business pattern of product differentiation, we expect the development will bring the prosperity to Taiwan’s flower industry, and also lead both transformation and evaluation in modern knowledge- based economy. Key Words: Roses, phalaenopsis, fresh cut flowers, preserved flowers, flower industry論文使用權限: 不同意授權玫瑰;蝴蝶蘭;鮮切花;保鮮花;不凋花;花卉產業Roses;phalaenopsis;fresh cut flowers;preserved flowers;flower industry鮮切花與保鮮花兩者價格差異之探討A Study on Price Difference between Fresh Cut Flowers and Preserved Flowersthesis10.6342/NTU201602231