龐飛2006-07-262018-07-092006-07-262018-07-092000http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/28679為探討綠膿桿菌外毒素A (ETA)的免疫毒 性,將大鼠腹腔巨噬細胞(RPM),在活體外的 條件下,與0, 1, 10, 50, and 100 ng/ml ETA 共 同培養3-60 小時,評估其細胞存活率、核酸 及蛋白質合成能力、形態學及細胞素產生能力 的變化情形。以trypan blue 色素排除法進行細 胞存活率的檢測,發現隨著ETA 濃度的上升 及培養時間的延長,RPM 的存活率隨之而下 降。就整体的MTT 代謝率和DNA、RNA 及 蛋白質合成能力而言,亦有類似的和劑量及培 養時間呈正相關下降的趨勢,雖然在以1-50 ng/ml ETA 處理24-36 小時會出現短暫但顯著 的RNA 和/或蛋白質合成的上升情形。然而將 數據依實際存活細胞數予以調整成單一存活 細胞的表現時,MTT 代謝率幾乎均呈現上升 的情形。同樣的,DNA 合成除了在1 和10 ng/ml 組及RNA 和蛋白質合成在1 ng/ml 組 外,其餘各組均呈上升的情形,其中尤以50 ng/ml 組最為明顯。形態學上,在50 和100 ng/ml 分別處理15 或6 小時後,絕大多數的 細胞均呈壞死或偶發的細胞凋亡。反之,當以 10 ng/ml 處理24-48 小時後,40%的細胞呈現 死亡,但殘留的細胞則因在其細胞質內出現許 多大小不同的顆粒而膨大。經穿透式電顯的連 續觀察,發現這些顆粒實際上是來自於間斷性 的粗糙型內質網的膨大,其內蓄積了一些電子 密度高的內容物。這些膨大的小滴和空泡狀結 構最後會融合並由細胞表面排出。以 Hemacolor、Alcian blue、periodic acid Schiff、 toluidine blue 及oil red 進行染色,結果這些顆 粒僅對Hemacolor、Alcian blue 及periodic acid Schiff 呈陽性反應,顯示其內容物可能是醣蛋 白。進一步針對巨噬細胞所產生的主要細胞素 interleukin-1 a (IL-1a), interleukin-1 b (IL-1b), interleukin-6 (IL-6)及tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a),以間接免疫螢光染色及免疫金標示 進行檢測,發現這些顆粒對IL-1a呈強陽性反 應。反之,僅有極少數的細胞在其顆粒周圍呈 弱的IL-1b或IL-6 陽性反應。此外,也未偵測 到任何TNF-a陽性細胞。因此,ETA 不僅會 造成RPM 的死亡,亦會對RPM 的形態及功 影響,其中包括了未曾被報導過的細胞質內 IL-1a的大量產生及堆積。此結果再度的強調 在P. aeruginosa感染過程中所產生的ETA, 足以因造成巨噬細胞功能的障礙而干擾宿主 免疫系統的正常運作。To study the immunotoxic potential of Pseudomonas aeruginosa exotoxin A (ETA), changes in the viability, large molecule synthesis, morphology, and cytokine production of rat peritoneal macrophages (RPM) were evaluated in vitro following incubation with ETA at concentrations of 0, 1, 10, 50, and 100 ng/ml for 3 to 60 hours. A dose and time-dependent decrease in the viability was revealed in the ETA-treated RPM as measured by trypan blue dye exclusion. When compared at the total level, a similar trend of dose and time-dependent decrease was also seen in the MTT metabolism rate and DNA, RNA, and protein synthesis, although a transient but significant elevation in the RNA and/or protein synthesis appeared at 24- 36 hours post-incubation (HPI) with 1-50 ng/ml ETA. However, when compared at the level of per viable cell the MTT reduction rate became enhanced with dose at most of the selected time periods. Except for the DNA synthesis in 1 and 10 ng/ml ETA-treated groups and the RNA and protein synthesis in 1 ng/ml ETA-treated group, there was an apparent enhancement in the DNA, RNA, and protein synthesis on the basis of per viable cell, particularly at the dose of 50 ng/ml. Morphologically, necrosis and occasional apoptosis occurred in the majority of ETAtreated RPM at 50 or 100 ng/ml after 15 or 6 HPI, respectively. When incubated with 10 ng/ml of ETA for 24-48 hours, 40% of the RPM were dead but the remaining survival cells became swollen due to formation of variably sized intracytoplasmic granules. Sequential transmission electron microscopic studiesapplication/pdf55899 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學獸醫學系暨研究所綠膿桿菌外毒素A毒害腹腔巨 噬細胞大鼠行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計畫成果報告:綠膿桿菌外毒素A對大鼠巨噬細胞之致害及其作用機制(I)形態學、存活率以及核酸、蛋白質及細胞素產生能力reporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/28679/1/892313B002059.pdf