2019-03-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/678091摘要:植物寄生性的根腐線蟲 (Pratylenchus sp.)長期為苗栗區重要植物病原,迄今無有效且適用的防治管理方式。該屬內不同種類具有相異取食偏好且擁有繁殖能力之差別,且族群之活動受環境因子如溫度等影響甚鉅。受全球氣候暖化的影響,苗栗大湖地區近年來月均溫有每年持續上升的現象;2017年於該區內多塊草莓種植田出現未曾被報導之根腐線蟲 P. vulnus 族群,推測與氣溫上升所造成之族群替代相關。根腐線蟲 P. vulnus 於田間草莓根部造成明顯壞疽,然而對於其族群密度與我國喜好栽植作物的經濟損害之關聯則無相關研究,也未曾有相關防治試驗。此種根腐線蟲於草莓田區的發生,恐對年產值近10億的草莓產業造成嚴重威脅。因此,本計畫擬對於草莓受到根腐線蟲危害情形所造成的影響進行研究,並評估非農藥化學防治資材運用於綜合管理的可行性,以便協助防治管理策略之訂定,解決農民心中隱憂。<br> Abstract: The plant parasitic root lesion nematode Pratylenchus spp. have long been a problem in the Maioli area with no proper and effective management methods available. The different species of the genus have different preference on feeding host and reproduction, and the population movement are highly impacted by environmental factors such as temperature. Under the influence of global warming, the average atmosphere temperature each month in the Maioli Dahu region have been continuing raising since 2012. In 2017, the new record root lesion species P. vulnus was discovered in 3 fields in the region, and it is likely a nematode majority population substitution due to the raising environment temperature. Although lesion symptoms have been observed on the strawberry root that have been invaded by the lesion nematodes, the actual correlation of the nematode population density and the host growth, the impact yield or even the management options were never examined on the popular varieties grown in Taiwan. The P. vulnus epidemic poses a great potential risk to the 10 billion strawberry production industry. Therefore, this project aims to study the growth and economy impact on strawberry after P. vulnus invasion, and evaluate potential non-chemical management options for the IPM control of the issue. The outcome of this research would provide valuable information for nematode management strategy and put the growers worrisome at ease.草莓根腐線蟲溫度strawberryroot lesion nematodetemperature溫度因子對根腐線蟲侵染草莓所產生之生長與產量影響