神經科Mata, Ignacio F.Ignacio F.MataKachergus, Jennifer M.Jennifer M.KachergusTaylor, Julie P.Julie P.TaylorLincoln, SarahSarahLincolnAasly, JanJanAaslyLynch, TimothyTimothyLynchHulihan, Mary M.Mary M.HulihanCobb, Stephanie A.Stephanie A.CobbWu, Ruey-MeeiRuey-MeeiWuLu, Chin-SongChin-SongLuLahoz, CarlosCarlosLahozWszolek, Zbigniew K.Zbigniew K.WszolekFarrer, Matthew J.Matthew J.Farrer2009-01-192018-07-122009-01-192018-07-122005http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/99676Abstract Leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) mutations have been implicated in autosomal dominant parkinsonism, consistent with typical levodopa-responsive Parkinson's disease. The gene maps to chromosome 12q12 and encodes a large, multifunctional protein. To identify novel LRRK2 mutations, we have sequenced 100 affected probands with family history of parkinsonism. Semiquantitative analysis was also performed in all probands to identify LRRK2 genomic multiplication or deletion. In these kindreds, referred from movement disorder clinics in many parts of Europe, Asia , and North America, parkinsonism segregates as an autosomal dominant trait. All 51 exons of the LRRK2 gene were analyzed and the frequency of all novel sequence variants was assessed within controls. The segregation of mutations with disease has been examined in larger, multiplex families . Our study identified 26 coding variants, including 15 nonsynonymous amino acid substitutions of which three affect the same codon (R1441C, R1441G, and R1441H). Seven of these coding changes seem to be pathogenic, as they segregate with disease and were not identified within controls. No multiplications or deletions were identified.en-USLRRK2KinaseIdiopathic Parkinson's diseaseMutationPolymorphismLrrk2 Pathogenic Substitutions in Parkinson's Disease