管理學院: 商學研究所指導教授: 陸洛楊皓霖Yang, Hao-LinHao-LinYang2017-03-032018-06-292017-03-032018-06-292014http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/274512本研究旨在探討夫妻角色分工共識與職家增益和家庭滿意度之關聯,並進一步探討職家增益對家庭滿意度在夫妻配對中之跨界效果。本研究以配對夫妻共同的角色分工共識作為自變項,研究其對夫妻各自家庭滿意度的影響,並探討職家增益是否具有中介效果。 本研究以台灣地區育有子女的雙薪配對夫妻為樣本,進行結構性問卷的施測,共回收490 人,即245 對夫妻之有效問卷。透過個人與伴侶相互依賴模式(Actor-Partner Interdependence Model, APIM)分析顯示,夫妻角色分工共識對個人FWE 有顯著正向關聯。FWE 在夫妻角色分工共識與家庭滿意度之關聯中具有部份中介效果。無論對丈夫或妻子而言,自身FWE 行動者效果的影響皆大於來自配偶FWE 伴侶效果之影響。文末亦根據研究結果對管理意涵及未來研究提供建議。The purpose of this study was to explore the influence of conjugal congruence on FWE and family satisfaction. In addition, we also examined the crossover of FWE from husbands to wives and vice versa. We used FWE for examining the existence of mediation effects in between conjugal congruence and family satisfaction. Therefore, we used conjugal congruence as independent variable, FWE as mediator variable, and family satisfaction as dependent variable to probe into the relation among the conjugal congruence, FWE and family satisfaction. By using the structured questionnaires, 490(245 pairs) of married couples in Taiwan, who is in double-income family with children, returned valid responses. The APIM analysis showed that there is significant positive correlation between the conjugal congruence and FWE. FWE partially mediated the relationships between conjugal congruence and family satisfaction .Furthermore, actor effect is stronger than partner effect in terms of both the husband or the wife. We also provided some practical recommendations for organizations and future research at the end of this study.3506867 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2017/3/13論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋本人)夫妻分工共識家庭滿意職家增益家庭-工作增益APIM 模式couplesconjugal congruencework and family enrichmentfamily-to-work enrichmentWFEFWEfamily satisfactionAPIM夫妻角色分工共識對職家增益與家庭滿意度的影響:夫妻配對APIM模式之比較The Impacts of Conjugal Congruence on FWE and Family Satisfactionthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/274512/1/ntu-103-R00741064-1.pdf