黃威特曾景漢許書華牟家緯黃筑甯李昆達盧虎生劉啟德2024-04-092024-04-092013https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/641802追求品質、新鮮、安全及安心的農業生產方式已成為當今全球的趨勢。近年來,利用微生物相關技術已經有效地解決一些農業上或是環境上的問題。將有益微生物接種到土壤中或是植物體上,可以改良土壤的理化性質,促進作物生長、減少病害,進而達到增加收量與提高品質的效果。因此使用微生物肥料已成為一種對環境友善的施肥方式,可以減少化學肥料的用量,兼顧到豐產與自然生態平衡。本研究利用優勢培養法結合PCR分子偵測的方式從台灣北部不同地區的農地土壤分離出多株固氮菌群以及光合菌群,並從中篩選可做為微生物肥料的潛力菌株。各菌株的身份鑑定採用16S rDNA分子生物學的方法。經由一系列生理生化試驗,確認各潛力菌株的碳源利用、酵素活性、最適生長條件、固氮活性、植物生長激素(吲哚乙酸)生成能力以及溶磷能力。利用小白菜盆栽試驗篩選具有促進作物生長能力的潛力菌株。我們發現施用半量化肥接種光合菌PS3菌株的處理組,不僅產量可達到與100%全量化肥處理組相同,土壤中殘留的銨態氮含量低於100%化肥處理組,甚至低於50%化肥處理組。表示添加PS3潛力菌肥不僅可以促進作物生長,還可提高氮肥的利用效率。Nowadays, the pursuit of quality, fresh, non-toxic and safe has become the trend of global agricultural production. In recent years, microbial technologies have been widely used to solve agricultural and environmental problems. Biofertilizers, such as microbial inoculants, which can help to improve soil quality, promote growth of crops, and prevent some soil-born diseases. Therefore, the new approach to farming is regarded as environmental friendly, and can be used to reduce excessive amount of chemical fertilizer application, and ensures a sustainable crop production. To select potential inoculant for biofertilizer, the nitrogen-fixing bacteria and photosynthetic bacteria were isolated from agricultural fields in Northern Taiwan using a combination of the conventional cultivation methods and PCR-based approaches. Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rDNA gene sequences were conducted to determine the identification of the isolates. A series of assays, such as identification of carbon source utilization spectra, determination of extracellular hydrolytic enzyme profiles, optimum condition for bacterial growth, nitrogen fixation activity, indole-3-acetic acid production, and phosphate solubilization, were conducted to determine the physiological and biochemical characteristics of the isolates. Pot experiments were performed to evaluate the plant growth promotion of Chinese cabbage by the inoculants. When 50% fertilizer was applied and supplemented with the PS3 inoculant, the growth of crops was statistically comparable to crops grown with the application of 100% fertilizer. Furthermore, the efficiency of uptake of the applied fertilizer nutrients was raised. The results suggest that the PS3 isolate can act as a promising PGPR for sustainable agriculture practices.促進植物生長根圈微生物微生物肥料固氮菌光合菌Plant growth promotingrhizobacteria (PGPR)biofertilizernitrogen-fixing bacteriaphotosynthetic bacteria自台灣本土分離篩選的固氮菌與光合菌對小白菜生長促進的效果Effects of Indigenous Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria and Photosynthetic Bacteria on Plant Growth Promotion of Chinese Cabbage.journal article10.6649/ppb.201303_22(1).0004