文學院: 中國文學研究所指導教授: 張蓓蓓王詩涵Wang, Shih-HanShih-HanWang2017-03-022018-05-292017-03-022018-05-292016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/271575本文旨在認識清末民初之際「抑韓」現象,並且由「抑韓」諸面向來探索韓愈內在的心路。研究過程著重資料的蒐集、統整與分析,期能掌握清末民初時期的韓愈形象;亦重回歸文本的解讀,期能釐清前者與文本中的韓愈形象的異同。韓愈評價在清末民初的低落,反映的是社會人心對「道」的認知產生了變化。當民主成為新的政治理想,西學成為新的學術追求,「韓愈」遂成清末民初人們用來析辨古今之異同、取捨中西之本末的論述符碼。本文首先大幅探索清末民初政治社會文學教化人心之情勢,接著以議題為核心的方式呈現韓愈批評的重要細節,最後站在回應批評的角度重探韓愈的個性情感之心路歷程。韓愈的爭議性即是人的複雜性,故他招致批評之處,也往往是他多情真率的地方。故歷來無論尊韓或抑韓,終不可動搖其歷史地位。The aim of this dissertation is to comprehend and analyze the phenomenon of the “degradation of Han-Yu” and through this degradation, explore the inner world of Han-Yu. This study will be focusing on the collection, integration and analysis of the documents in order to create and grasp a clear image of Han-Yu during the late Qin and early Republic periods. Furthermore, this essay will be reviewing the original text and doing a comparison with the image of Han-Yu at the time. The low popularity / bad reputation of Han-Yu during the late Qin and early Republic periods revealed that the meaning of “Dao” changed in people’s minds. When Democracy became the new ideal polity and people embarked on the pursuit of the “western knowledge,” Han-Yu served as the paradigm in order to differentiate the ideas and teachings of the ancient times with the modern new ones and was used in order to compare the Chinese and Western ideologies. This dissertation will be firstly exploring the way in which politics, society and literature affected people and continue with issuing the details of Han-Yu’s criticism. The study will conclude with the revealing of his sentiments/feelings/spirit and the characteristics of his life by replying to this criticism. The controversy of Han-Yu is in truth the complexity of humanity, so the reasons for which he had been degraded tend to reveal his forthright, sincere and passionate personality. This is the reason why, although there are various reviews which either admired or degraded him, he still holds a principal position throughout history.2361032 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2016/8/2論文使用權限: 同意無償授權韓愈清末民初抑韓闢韓示兒原道文學革命Han-Yuthe late Qing to early Republic Chinathe low popularity/bad reputation of Han-YuShih-Errevolution in literatureYuan Dao重探韓愈的精神世界──從清末民初的韓愈批評談起Re-examining the Spiritual World of Han-Yu: Discussion on The Criticisms of Han-Yu from the Period of late Qing to early Republic Chinathesis10.6342/NTU201601589http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/271575/1/ntu-105-R00121012-1.pdf