護理學系曾雅玲張媚TZENG, YA-LINGYA-LINGTZENGCHANG, MEIMEICHANG2009-09-132018-07-072009-09-132018-07-072003http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/166106菸品對人體的危害乃眾所周知之事實;我國為維護民眾健康,於民國86年通過菸害防 制法,使菸害防制正式成為國家的健康政策。然而,立法迄今,呔人的吸菸率依舊偏 高,甚至有文獻直指由於執法鬆散,導致法令形同具文。有鑑於菸害是一個明確的健 康問題,是護理專業所關注的範疇,因此本文除闡述菸害防製法之形成、報行與修正 ,以增進護理人員對菸害防制政策之瞭解外,並進一步探討護理人員於反菸議題上應 扮演的角色,以作為護理界在配合國家反菸政策,落實推動反菸行動時之參考。 The harmfulness of tobacco to the health is a fact well known to the public. In order to preserve and maintain the health of all people, our government has passed an Anti-smoking Act to prevent the ill effects of smoking and has made the reduction of smoking a formal part of national health policy. Yet, since the law was made, the number of people smoking has remained relatively high, and the literature suggests that due to laxness in law enforcement the Act has had little effect. Owing to the clear seriousness of the health problems that arise through smoking, it is an area of concern for nursing professionals. This article describes the process of the enactment of the Anti-smoking Act and its implementation and amendment, and further explores nurses’ role in the policy . It will give nurses a better understanding of the importance of the policy, and provide guidance in caring out anti-smoking action.en-US菸害防制健康政策護理anti-smokinghealth policynursing[SDGs]SDG3The Role of Nursing Staff in Action to Reduce Smoking護理人員於反菸行 動之角色功能10.6224/JN.50.5.74