2019-01-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/677880摘要:中醫領域的把脈問診、對症下藥為漢民族流傳上千年的智慧,時至今天,中藥材在亞洲地區的傳統醫學和民眾日常保健上的應用都佔有舉足輕重的位置,因為中藥材適合生長的條件不同,需在某些產地才能生產出具有療效的藥材,所以需透過進口的方式滿足國人用藥的需求。目前我國中藥材約有九成來自於中國,但由於不同出口國對於中藥材出口管理規範不一致,殘留情形及容許量標準的訂定也有所差異,導致我國的中藥材市場充斥著不同程度的中藥材農藥殘留。為加強中藥材管理及保障民眾食用中藥材安全,擬定此中藥材殘留農藥背景值監測調查之計畫,針對國內使用量及使用頻率較高之中藥材進行農藥殘留資料收集與調查,由此計畫後所獲成果可供行政機關研究訂定中藥材安全衛生管理規範的參考。 目前,「食品安全衛生管理法」第十五條第二項規定,殘留農藥安全容許量之標準由中央主管機關會商相關機關定之。因此針對農產品上的農藥殘留訂有「農藥殘留容許量標準」。其訂定的原則是以表示農藥慢毒性的無毒害藥量為計算基準,依據政府核准的使用方法及防治作物為對象,加上國人取食習慣及取食量,訂定每一類作物中的農藥殘留容許量。因此只有在國內政府核准使用的農藥及作物才有容許量,沒有訂定容許量標準者依法不得有殘留。因此在農藥殘留檢驗上不合格的情形一為殘留量超過容許量,二為檢驗出沒有容許量的農藥殘留。此一容許量標準的特點是必須為國內登記使用之農藥及允許施用的作物,才有足夠之資料及法源依據,且根據農藥殘留消退的資料及國人的取食習慣進行研訂。由於中藥材之栽培方式、生長特性、國內的取食人口、取食方式、甚至取食量之評估皆有別於一般之農產品。因此其農藥殘留容許量之建立應有更詳盡的背景資料及相關生產國栽培技術資料之佐證。為此基於國民飲食習慣及保障國民健康的目標,對日常國人作為治療或健康保健的中藥材訂定相關的農藥殘留標準確有其必要性。因此研提此計畫以進行中藥材殘留農藥背景值監測調查,供後續本部研訂安全衛生管理規範參考。 <br> Abstract: In the field of Chinese medicine, take pulse and suit the medicine to the illness have been spread for thousands of years in Han ethnic group. Even now, traditional Chinese medicine has played a decisive role in traditional medicine and daily health care in Asia. According to the growth conditions of Chinese herbal medicines, only specific areas are able to produce medicinal materials with medicinal value, the sources of Chinese herbal medicines are mostly imported from abroad. At present, about 90% of the sources of Chinese herbal medicines come from China. However, different exporting countries have different management practices. The pesticides applied on medicinal plants vary, and residue levels and maximum residue limits are also different, which lead to different pesticide residues among the imported Chinese herbal medicines. Currently in Taiwan, the standard of pesticide safety residue limit is determined by the relevant authority of the central management according to Article 15 (2) of the Food Safety and Health Administration Law, and “pesticide residue limit standards” are determined for agricultural products. The principle of determination uses the no observable effect level of chronic toxicity as the basis for calculation, with methods approved by the government for use on specific crops. The population’s dietary habits and intake are also taken into consideration in order to set pesticide residue limits for each type of crop. For pesticides with no set residue limit on a crop, its residues cannot legally appear on said crop. Thus, there are two scenarios in which a pesticide residue inspection of a product will not pass: one is the detection of residue levels that exceed pesticide residue limits, and the other is the detection of pesticide residues that do have a pesticide residue limit for the product. Using this standard, registering a pesticide requires information on the pesticide and target crop for a legal basis, and data on pesticide residue dissipation and population consumption patterns are necessary to develop a complete standard. However, since the majority of crops processed for Chinese medicine are imported from abroad, a different approach should be developed for setting pesticide residue limits specific for Chinese medicinal plants. Studies were proposed by collecting pesticide application information from origin and legal pesticide maximum residue levels of import countries, then analyzing the pesticides residues of commercial herbal crude medicine materials which were sampling from markets in Taiwan. According to these data, combining the information of pesticide maximum residue levels from the other countries, the actual pesticide residues data in collected samples and the intake risk of those herbal medicine materials the maximum residues limits (MRLs) of traditional herbal crude medicine materials will be established.中藥材農藥殘留容許量herbal medicinespesticidemaximum residue limits108年度中藥材殘留農藥背景值監測調查