2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714752INTRODUCTION The Department of Chinese Literature at National Taiwan University was founded in 1929 as the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Law at Taihoku Imperial University; it took its present title in 1945, by which time it has established a great amount of research achievements to the present day in the traditional fields of Confucian Classics (jing), History (shi), Masters (zi), and Belles-Lettres (ji). In recent years, the department strides with latest issues including Ritual Study (li), Modern and Contemporary Literature, East Asian Cultures, Comparative Literature, Translation Study, Lyric Tradition, Narrative tradition, and Teaching Chinese as the Second Language, while at the same time remains guardians of the research of the classics transmitted from the academic tradition. It is the leading institute of the Chinese literature in Taiwan, and one of the top ten departments at National Taiwan University in an inner survey confronting the international competitions, as well as one of the remarkable research base in Global Sinology. Although the department was titled, “Department of Chinese Literature,”the term“literature is understood broadly, and was not restricted to poetry, lyric and novel. The teaching goals of this department are to develop Chinese culture and deliver knowledge of the Classics, Thought, Literature and Documentation. We also want to cultivate the students’ reading and research skills. With this kind of training, students will possess a solid academic training and cultural background as the foundation for their research, language teaching and writing. In pursuit of these goals, the department courses are multifarious, emphasizing foundation course and advanced courses, classics and modern materials. PLANS The department’s future plans are mainly focused on the following developments: 1. Enhancement of International Activities: In recent years, our Department has made academic exchange arrangements with reputed universities all around the world; for example, the Charles University in Prague, Czech has invited our professors as long-term visiting professors for several years. In the foreseeable future, we shall create “UCLA-NUT Joint Seminars in Chinese Literary Studies,” thus initiating two-way visitings and academic discussions between the two schools. Our aspirations are to improve our international reputation in sinology. 2. Diversity of Faculty: Our Department shall continue to look for outstanding professors in other universities and even overseas, aiming at a comprehensive range of specialists in Chinese Literature. 3. Promotion of Chinese Teaching Courses: Our department currently has a “Chinese Teaching Methods” Course, and we join the “Master’s Degree Program of Chinese Teaching,” offering more related courses for study, and actively responding to the growing force of Chinese language in this age of globalization.民國17年(1928),日本政府在臺灣成立臺北帝國大學,設文政、理農二學部。次年,文政學部「文學科」增設「東洋文學講座」,以中國文學為主要講授內容,此即本系之前身。久保得二先生為本講座之首任教授,神田喜一郎先生為助教授,二人於18年4月先後到任。23年6月,久保得二先生因腦溢血病逝臺北寓所。同年11月,神田喜一郎先生升任講座教授,以迄臺灣光復。24年另聘原田季清先生為本講座講師,後於28年升任助教授,至31年退任。此外,25年12月曾聘請東京帝國大學鹽谷溫先生來臺講學一個月。 東洋文學講座之必修課程中,與中國文學相關者,初期有「東洋文學概論」、「東洋文學史」、「東洋文學講讀及演習」等,民國20年以後有「東洋文學普通講義」、「東洋文學特殊講義」、「東洋文學講讀及演習」等。然此類課程猶未及全部必修課程學分之半數,可見就研讀中國文學之領域而言,本講座之課程尚未臻於完備。此時期主修「東洋文學」之學生亦少,臺籍畢業生前後僅田大熊、吳守禮、黃得時三人而已。唯久保與神田二先生均為日本著名漢學家,久保先生在臺任教期間曾籌組「南雅詩社」,創作大量漢詩漢文;神田先生在臺亦有豐碩之研究成果。凡此皆為中日學術交流史寫下奇異之一頁。久保先生逝世之後,其在臺藏書由臺北帝國大學購入,成立「久保文庫」,其中頗多與中國文學有關之古籍,尤多戲曲善本。又神田先生曾參與購入福州龔氏藏書三萬餘冊,成立「烏石山房文庫」,其中多四部古籍。此二文庫之圖書今藏於臺灣大學圖書館特藏組,仍經常為校內師生及海內外學者所參考利用。 民國34年(1945),臺灣光復,國民政府接收臺北帝國大學,初擬改名「國立臺北大學」,後定名為「國立臺灣大學」。臺灣大學依我國學制,將原各「學部」改稱「學院」,文政學部分為文學及法學兩學院,「科」改稱「系」。文學院初設中文、歷史、哲學三系,本系由此乃正式成立。唯當時百廢待興,乃由北大中文系教授、臺灣省國語推行委員會主任委員魏建功先生代為邀聘教員,參與規劃。民國36年底至37年中由許壽裳、喬大壯二先生相繼擔任系主任,二先生旋相繼去世。37年8月,臺靜農先生出任系主任,其後主持系務長達二十年,對本系之穩定與發展貢獻甚鉅。46年,本系設立中國文學研究所碩士班,56年復增設博士班。61年又於本校夜間部增設中國文學系,86年,夜間部改制為進修學士班(96年起停招)。97年,成立「國際學生學士班」,採小班菁英式教學,提供有志於華語文及漢學研究之外籍學生良好的學習環境。 本系在民國34年成立之初,聘吳守禮、黃得時二先生為副教授,延續部份原臺北帝國大學之學風。35年起,魏建功、許壽裳、喬大壯、臺靜農等學者相繼來臺講學,裴溥言、廖蔚卿、金祥恆諸先生先後受聘為助教,本系乃得接續大陸中國文學系之學術傳統。37年以後,戴君仁、洪炎秋、劉仲阮、毛子水、董作賓、董同龢、孫云遐、史次耘、王叔岷、屈萬里、何定生、牟潤孫、李孝定、蔣復璁、張敬等望重士林的先生陸續至系任教。諸先生學問各有專精,因得以讓本系在各個領域均有所發展,為本系草創時期奠定良好基礎。 本系作為國內第一個成立的中文系,在七十多年的歷史中,一方面接受大陸來臺學者所承續的國學傳統,一方面也因為臺灣在六、七○年代以後快速接受西方文化的影響,而逐步發展出在地化的特色。本系在研究上,因此能植基於堅實的文獻解讀、背景探究,同時能進一步向跨領域的區域研究或文化研究邁進。而在教學上,也以培育文本詮釋能力,語文分析與應用能力,以及具有豐厚的文化資本為目標。Chinese LiteratureAcademic Institute