Yang, Shang-PingShang-PingYangLiu, Wen-ChunWen-ChunLiuLee, Kuan-YehKuan-YehLeeWu, Bing-RuBing-RuWuSu, Yi-ChingYi-ChingSuWu, Pei-YingPei-YingWuZhang, Jun-YuJun-YuZhangLuo, Yu-ZhenYu-ZhenLuoSun, Hsin-YunHsin-YunSunChang, Sui-YuanSui-YuanChangSHU-WEN LINHung, Chien-ChingChien-ChingHung2024-03-062024-03-062014-11-021758-2652https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/640345Wide inter-patient variation of plasma efavirenz (EFV) concentrations has been observed, and a substantial proportion of HIV-positive patients may have unnecessarily higher plasma EFV concentrations than recommended while receiving EFV-containing combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) at the currently recommended daily dose of 600 mg. A lower daily dose (400 mg) of EFV has recently been demonstrated to be as efficacious as the recommended 600 mg when combined with tenofovir/mtricitabine in a multinational clinical trial, with a lower incidence of adverse effects. We aimed to use a therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM)-guided strategy to optimize the EFV dose in HIV-positive Taiwanese patients.enEffectiveness of a reduced dose of efavirenz plus 2 NRTIs as maintenance antiretroviral therapy with the guidance of therapeutic drug monitoringjournal article10.7448/IAS.17.4.1952425394033