工學院: 材料科學與工程學研究所指導教授: 高振宏施玟伶Shih, Wen-LinWen-LinShih2017-03-032018-06-282017-03-032018-06-282015http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/273204為因應電子產品輕薄化與多功能性等訴求,三維集成構裝技術儼然成為電子封裝產業之研究重點。相較於傳統覆晶封裝之銲點尺寸約莫為100微米,三微集成構裝之微銲點尺寸將大幅縮小至10微米,其體積也將急遽縮減為覆晶銲點之千分之一。在空間限制效應的影響下,微銲點內的錫銲料會快速地轉換為介金屬。然而,當微銲點內大部分的體積被介金屬佔據時;無疑地,會改變微接點的機械性質。因此,探討空間限制效應影響下之介金屬生長行與其機械性質變化,將會是相當重要的議題。 雖然鎳/錫/銅結構已被廣泛使用於封裝產業數十載;但其於三維集成構裝之使用,仍處於最初階段。研究指出,鎳的微添加能夠有效地消除Cu6Sn5之同素異形變態,藉以避免因體積變化所造成之殘餘應力。另外,鎳的微添加更可改變Cu6Sn5之機械性質。在空間限制效應影響下,鎳/錫/銅擴散偶內之錫銲料將會快速地被轉換為(Cu,Ni)6Sn5。然而,在空間限制效應影響下,鎳/錫/銅擴散偶將會有什麼不同於大尺度銲點之現象呢? 本論文的目的在於揭開空間限制效應對於鎳/錫/銅擴散偶之影響,包含有以下四個部分: (1) 空間限制效應影響之特殊微結構變化 (2) 空間限制效應對介金屬生長動力學影響 (3) 空間限制效應影響之特殊Cu3Sn生長機制 (4) 鎳濃度對於空間限制效應下之介金屬機械性質影響 研究發現,當鎳/錫/銅擴散偶中仍有錫銲料殘存時,Cu3Sn的生長會被原生之(Cu,Ni)6Sn5層抑制。然而,當鎳/錫/銅擴散偶中之錫銲料完全被消耗後,Cu3Sn會開始沿著(Cu,Ni)6Sn5之晶界快速生長。在介金屬生長動力學分析顯示,(Cu,Ni)6Sn5與Cu3Sn之生長曲線會有一個相當明顯的轉折點。在此轉折點之前,(Cu,Ni)6Sn5的生長會主導擴散偶內的反應;在此轉折點之後,Cu3Sn的生長會主導擴散偶中的反應。由微結構的觀察中發現,該轉折點正是擴散偶中錫被完全消耗的時間。因此推論,空間限制效應所導致的錫耗竭,就是造成Cu3Sn特殊生長行為的主要原因。最後,本文也針對鎳濃度對於空間限制效應影響之鎳/錫/銅擴散偶之機械性質進行分析。結果顯示,介金屬之鎳濃度梯度會導致其機械性質上的層狀變化。It is obvious that 3D IC integration is the mainstream in electronic packaging for the following decades. However, large volume fractions of IMC grains in 3D IC micro-joints would undoubtedly weaken the mechanical properties of the joints. Therefore, researching on the microstructural and mechanical properties of IMCs under space confinement is quite essential. Although the usage of Ni/Sn/Cu structure has been well established for decades, its application in 3D IC architecture is still in the building stage. In space-confined Ni/Sn/Cu diffusion couples, the remaining Sn would convert into IMCs rapidly. Since Ni is found to be effective in the elimination of the allotropic transformation in Cu6Sn5, it could also help to reinforce the thermo-mechanical properties in Cu6Sn5. Yet, what would happen in space-confined Ni/Sn/Cu diffusion couple? The aims of this thesis is uncovered the influence of space confinement on Ni/Sn/Cu diffusion couples. There are four parts in the thesis, including: (1) Peculiar microstructure evolution in space-confined Ni/Sn/Cu (2) Influences of solder volume reduction on the growth kinetics (3) Growth mechanism of Cu3Sn in space-confined Ni/Sn/Cu (4) Influence of Ni concentration on the mechanical properties in space-confined Ni/Sn/Cu According to the research, the originated (Cu,Ni)6Sn5 layer would suppress the growth of Cu3Sn as the Sn still remained. However, as the Sn exhausted, Cu3Sn grew rapidly along the grain boundaries of (Cu,Ni)6Sn5 grains. The kinetic analysis shows that there is a distinct cut-off point in the growing curves for (Cu,Ni)6Sn5 and Cu3Sn. It would result in the dominant reaction in Ni/Sn/Cu/diffusion couples. Comparing with the microstructure evolution in Ni/Sn (10μm)/Cu, the cut-off points is exactly located at the time the Sn was exhausted. Therefore, it is rational to believe that the reason for Cu3Sn growth along the grain boundaries of (Cu,Ni)6Sn5 is due to the exhausted of Sn. Moreover, the thesis also investigate on the Ni concentration induced mechanical property variations in space-confined Ni/Sn/Cu. The results shows that the concentration gradient of Ni in IMC grains would result in a laminar distribution of mechanical properties.5475010 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2016/3/13論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)三維集成構裝微銲點界面反應微結構小體積效應奈米壓痕試驗生長動力學3D IC integrationmicro-jointsinterfacial reactionmicrostructuresolder volume reductionnanoindentationgrowth kinetics空間限制效應影響之鎳/錫/銅擴散偶研究Study on Space-confined Ni/Sn/Cu Diffusion Couplesthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/273204/1/ntu-104-D99527001-1.pdf