孫雅麗2006-07-262018-06-292006-07-262018-06-292004http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/18843在這一年的計劃當中,我們主要發展 一個以軟管模式為基礎的虛擬私人網路建 置演算法稱為MTRA 。我們發展MTRA 的 動機如下:虛擬私有網路服務提供給客戶 安全且成本低廉的通訊環境,如何滿足客 戶的頻寬需求保証乃是近來通訊網路領域 熱門的研究議題。一種被稱為軟管模式的 虛擬私人網路資源管理模式已經被發展出 來,它提供客戶指定頻寬需求時的彈性及 方便性,到目前為止已經有很多的文獻針 對軟管模式的虛擬私人網路的建置演算法 進行探討。然而這些文獻的主要討論重點 在於,當網路服務提供者使用建置演算法 建置一個軟管模式的虛擬私人網路時,如 何在滿足客戶所指定的頻寬需求的情形 下,達到頻寬資源的配置效率。但是當 (1) 網路骨幹上的頻寬資源有限,而且 (2)網 路服務提供者必須在網路骨幹上建置多個 軟管模式虛擬私人網路時,先前文獻所提 出的建置演算法並無法提供人滿意的建置 拒絕率。根據實驗的結果,MTRA 能有效地降低建置拒絕率。In this year of the project, we developed a new hose-model VPNs provisioning algorithm called MTRA. The motivation for developing MTRA is stated as follow: Virtual private networks (VPNs) provide customers with secure and low-cost communication environment. One of the popular research issues in the field of communication networks is that how to achieve the bandwidth requirement specifying by customers. A new VPN resource provisioning model called “Hose model” has been developed. It provides customers with flexible and convenient ways for specifying bandwidth requirement of a VPN. Up to now, several hose-model VPNs provisioning algorithms have been proposed, however these algorithms focus only on achieving bandwidth allocation efficiency in the case of establishing single hose-mode VPN while meeting bandwidth requirement specifying by customers. But in the case where (1) the links of the network backbone have capacity constraints and (2) the service provider needs to establish numerous hose-model VPNs on the network backbone, these provisioning algorithms are unable to provide satisfied rejection ratio Therefore, we propose a new hose-model VPNs provisioning algorithm called MTRA in this project. MTRA can not only deal with numerous VPN setup requests rapidly, but also according to the results of experimental simulations, can reduce rejection ratio effectively.application/pdf133331 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學資訊管理學系暨研究所虛擬私人網路軟管模式流量工程虛擬私人網路建置演算法Virtual Private NetworkVPN hose-modelbandwidth guaranteedVPN provisioning algorithms多媒體內容傳遞網路前瞻技術之研究─子計畫三:支援多媒體內容傳遞的適應性QoS保證覆蓋網路之研究(1/2)Multimedia Content Delivery across Adaptive QoS-guaranteed Overlay Networksotherhttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/18843/1/922213E002088.pdf