楊萬發臺灣大學:環境工程學研究所黃孝儒Huang, Shiao-JuShiao-JuHuang2007-11-292018-06-282007-11-292018-06-282007http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/62665流體化床結晶技術應用於工業及生活污水中離子性污染物的去除已行之有年,然而在國內的應用上,尚有其可待發展之處。本研究利用流體化床結晶槽進行銅離子去除之實驗,擬針對實際工業廢水之反應條件,對流體化床之去除效果進行分析及討論。實驗的重點在探討加藥方式、水利負荷、出流水pH值控制及迴流比等操作條件對去除反應之影響,並比對其處理效率。 將反應維持在結晶之介穩區內為流體化床操作的首要重點,而改變操作參數的目的,皆與調整此一反應狀態有直接的關聯。最佳操作條件的實驗結果發現,控制管柱末端的pH值可維持反應槽有穩定的銅出流,而pH控制在9時可得最佳的處理效率﹔水利負荷的方面,42〜46 m/h時有相對較好的成效﹔迴流比以10倍為較佳。實廠的操作上,最佳操作參數的組合可將銅離子的去除率提升至99%以上。另外,藥劑濃度及擔體粒徑等亦對處理效果產生影響。在這些分析的過程中,沉澱比的高低成為評估反應狀況的重要指標。詳細的實驗結果於本文第四章進行探討。 對於實廠處理的整體效能評估,本研究有以下所得:1. 連續操作的處理效率受到變動的進流水質影響,而反應系統本身的循環狀態亦有所關連;2. 在實際的應用上,廢水經流體化床出流後可搭配過濾設備,以平衡不穩定狀態所造成的效率降低﹔3. 除了目標物銅離子外,流體化床系統對同時存在的其他種類重金屬,亦可進行相當程度的處理。除此之外,異常的處理狀況及串聯式管柱的效能亦被列入討論。 最後,實驗在分析反應擔體的組成成分、含水量,並進行SEM之表面欇像後,對流體化床設備進行粗略的經濟效益評估。則單就所節省污泥處置的費用上,每處理一公噸廢水約可幫業主節省達9.68元新台幣的開銷。Fluidized bed reactors (FBRs) have long been utilized in the removal of pollutant ions; however, these technologies in Taiwan were relatively immature. The objective of this work was to study the feasibility of real-plant process of fluidized bed crystallizers in the treatment of copper-containing industrial wastewater. In order to achieve a high efficiency of copper removal, some important factors including dose manner, hydraulic loading, effluent pH control, and recycle ratio were investigated. In this part of the experiments, the main point was to maintain the crystallization condition in the metastable region, and controlling several factors helped attain this purpose. Results showed that the optimum removal could be reached when the effluent pH was controlled at the level of 9.0, and the treated water had a stable Cu concentration as well. Hydraulic loading also had significant influence on the removal of Cu. When the hydraulic loading was adjusted to 42~46 m/h, the FBR had the relatively best efficiency of Cu removal. Moreover, maintaining the recycle ratio at 10/1 was the most suitable for the FBR system. Under these conditions, the Cu removal could be achieved above 99%. When the experiments were focused on in-plant treatment, there were some results presented in this work. First, fines producing in the FBR tanks – causing higher precipitation ratio – were also investigated because they were important indicators of poor crystallization. Second, in the continuous treatment process, the efficiency of FBRs was affected gravely by the changeable concentration of inflow wastewater. Finally, filtration units locating after the FBR treatment process was necessary to the removal of fines and to the stability of effluent water.第一章 緒論 1 1-1 研究背景 1 1-2 研究目的與內容 4 第二章 文獻回顧 6 2-1 晶體之成核現象 6 2-2 晶體成長之雙重阻力模式 8 2-3 溶液之過飽和度 11 2-4 過飽和溶液之介穩區 14 2-5 銅-碳酸系統之溶液組成 19 2-6 流體化床原理介紹 25 2-7 流體化床去除銅離子之質量平衡 28 2-8 流體化床結晶技術回顧 30 2-8-1 流體化床結晶技術於廢水處理之發展 30 2-8-2 流體化床結晶技術應處理重金屬廢水之相關研究 32 2-8-3 國內流體化床技術之實廠考察 37 第三章 實驗裝置與步驟 41 3-1 實驗裝置 41 3-2 研究架構及實驗流程 44 3-2-1 實驗架構及流程 44 3-2-2 目標處理廢水簡介 46 3-3 分析儀器及藥品 51 3-4 實驗步驟 53 3-4-1 流體化床的操作及分析 53 3-4-2 最佳操作參數的取得 56 3-5 注意事項 59 第四章 結果與討論 60 4-1 模擬廢水的操作結果 60 4-1-1 定量加藥的操作結果 60 4-1-2 控制末端pH 值的操作結果 66 4-1-3 模擬廢水的去除效率 70 4-2 最佳操作參數的取得 72 4-2-1 進流濃度之影響 72 4-2-2 出流pH 控制的影響 75 4-2-3 水力負荷之影響 78 4-2-4 迴流率的影響 81 4-2-5 其他影響參數的測試 83 4-2-6 沉澱比與各項操作參數 91 4-2-7 最佳操作參數 93 4-3 整體去除效率 96 4-3-1 綜合重金屬離子的去除效果 96 4-3-2 連續操作結果 98 4-3-3 三段式管柱的去除效果 101 4-3-4 過濾處理的效果 103 4-3-5 異常狀況下的處理效果 105 4-4 結晶擔體分析 111 4-4-1 含水量分析 111 4-4-2 組成成分分析 113 4-4-3 SEM-EDS 分析結果 115 4-5 經濟效益分析 119 第五章 結論 123 參考文獻 126 附 錄 131en-US流體化床結晶槽實廠廢水介穩區沉澱比銅去除率過濾處理fluidized bed reactorin-plant studymetabolismfinesprecipitation ratioCopper removalfiltration流體化床結晶技術處理含銅廢水之實廠研究In-plant treatment process of fluidized bed crystallizers in the removal of copper-containing wastewaterthesis