國立中央大學產業經濟研究所博士候選人; 國立臺灣大學農業經濟系Institute of Industrial Economics, National Central University; Department of Agricultural Economics, National Taiwan University孔維新傅祖壇Kong, W.H.W.H.KongFu, T.T.T.T.Fu2017-09-082018-06-282017-09-082018-06-282008-12http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/282123本研究之主要目的在於,以台灣地區大學商學院?對象,建構一個以學生?本位的大學商學院表現評估模式。本研究使用商學院畢業生的就業市場成就與多元能力培養程度,來做?績效衡量指標。本研究所使用的指標皆?「加值(value-added)」指標,指標大小僅反映學院對提升學生薪資與能力的影響程度,不包括任何學院以外的影響因素。此外,?了避免不合理的權數分配,本研究結合模糊層級分析法的專家調查結果與保證區域資料包絡分析法,來進行實證分析。實證結果發現,平均而言國立大學優於私立大學。但就個別學校來看,某些私立大學的績效優於國立大學。本研究的評估結果不但對於高等教育之決策者在進行管理決策時相當有用,對於即將進入大學就讀的學生在選擇未來就讀學校時亦相當重要。The purpose of this study is to construct a student-basesd performance evaluation model for business colleges in Taiwan. College graduates' job market results and their multi-dimensional ability developed in school are used as performance indicators. The value-added forms of these indicators are employed to assess the pure impact of school on student's performance. To avoid impractical relative indicator weights, we incorporate experts' weights from an AHP survey into the assurance region data envelopment analysis (AR/DEA) for empirical analysis. Empirical results show that, on average, public schools outperform private schools. However, we also find that some private schools perform better than average public schools. While the evaluation results of this research will be useful to higher education authorities for their management decisions, the results are also important to prospective college students in making their college selection decisions.學生本位指標績效評估高等教育保證區域資料包絡分析法student-based indicatorperformance evaluationhigher educationAR/DEA以學生為本位之大學商學院之表現評估-保證區域資料包絡分析法之應用Measuring the Student-base Performance of College of Business Using AR/DEA Modeljournal article