馮世邁臺灣大學:電信工程學研究所蔡曜年Tsai, Yao-NienYao-NienTsai2007-11-272018-07-052007-11-272018-07-052004http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/58534Transmultiplexers have been known in digital communication for many years. Historically the transmultiplexer has been viewed as a system that converts from time multiplexed components of a signal to a frequency multiplexed version, and back. The mathematical theory of transmultiplexer however allows more general interpretations and, therefore, applications. Some of these include channel equalization, channel identification and so forth. The role of transmultiplexers in digital communications has gained new importance because of many recent results in filter bank precoders. A new class of codes, named Lagrange-Vandermonde(LV) codes, was proposed to achieve complete multiuser interference (MUI) suppression without estimating the channel. The proposed system selects user codes at the transmitter so that MUI is eliminated, irrespective of the channel zero locations and frequency-selective fading is converted to flat fading. DFT-based Discrete Multi Tone (DMT) and Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex (OFDM), applied in many applications e.g. digital audio broadcasting (DAB) ,digital terrestrial broadcasting (DVB-T) and asymmetrical digital subscriber line (ADSL), are special cases of LV system. A dual transceiver design called VL (Vandermonde -Lagrange), with the precoder-decoder roles interchanged, is derived in order to add system flexibility in the code assignment procedure. In this thesis, we use some nonlinear programmings to optimize user code for different objective functions. We compare the performance of LV/VL transceivers with DMT/OFDM systems. Simulations demonstrated the system’s superior performance in multiuser communications.Chapter1 Introduction 1 Chapter2 Filter Bank Transceiver (FBT) System 5 2.1 Introduction of FBT system----------------------6 2.2 Polyphase decomposition of FBT system-----------9 2.3 DFT-based DMT system---------------------------13 2.4 Bit Allocation---------------------------------16 2.4.1 Optimal bit allocation-------------------17 2.4.2 Greedy algorithm-------------------------21 2.5 Conclusion-------------------------------------22 Chapter3 Lagrange-Vandermonde (LV) and Vandermonde- Lagrange (VL) Transceivers 23 3.1 Zero padding and LV transceivers system--------24 3.2 Zero jamming and VL transceivers system--------31 3.3 The effects of frequency offset on LV/VL transceivers-----------------------------------38 3.4 Transmission power and noise variance of LV/VL system-----------------------------------------41 3.5 Conclusion-------------------------------------44 Chapter4 Design of LV and VL Transceivers and Simulation Results 45 4.1 Optimizing Transceivers for different objective functions--------------------------------------46 4.2 Iterative Procedure----------------------------48 4.3 Simulation Results-----------------------------49 Chapter5 Conclusion 65 Bibliography 67679975 bytesapplication/pdfen-US凡得瓦收發器拉格朗日vandermondetransceiverszero-jamminglagrangeFBT多載波系統之拉格朗日-凡得瓦收發器設計Design of Lagrange-Vandermonde Transceivers for Multicarrier Systemsthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/58534/1/ntu-93-R91942071-1.pdf