臺灣大學: 土木工程學研究所王明德鄭鴻勳Cheng, Hung-HsunHung-HsunCheng2013-04-012018-07-092013-04-012018-07-092012http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/256029隨著高科技產業發展帶動,讓整個建築型態轉變,促使建築物興建的面積越來越大,高度越來越高,讓我們逐漸重視大面積或大體積的施工方法,因為建築量體大,倘若施工不良則引起結構品質問題、建築物營運使用困擾等。 就大型廠房工程來說,基礎版施工階段,是勞力密集度最高、材料需求量最大、受限天候影響因素導致工期緊迫、動線影響甚鉅,所以在施工細節上往往有所忽略。在趕工的情況下,導致巨積混凝土因溫差引起貫穿裂縫、混凝土數量增加、外牆與基礎版間施工縫滲水、施工介面二次整修等因素,造成工期延宕、品質不良、成本增加,由於這些因素,施工者更應該重視及面對這些問題,並以嚴謹的態度去克服它。 建廠作業在台灣已進行了三十多年,有關大型基礎版施工之相關技術及規劃文獻鮮少,後人無法善用前人經驗,過程中常常自我學習,從錯誤中修正成長累積經驗。作者過去有幸參與許多大型廠辦工程建廠作業,希望能將規劃過程與實務操作結合,建立大型基礎版施工規劃模式,提供後續建廠者參考應用,以減少錯誤提升生產效率。Due to the fact that the scale of Hi-Tech plants is getting larger and larger, the construction method for large area or great volume is more and more important. For large buildings, failure of structure and operation problems will arise owing to poor construction. For large plants, the construction of foundation slab is the most difficult stage. To complete the foundation slab requires many resources such as labors and materials. Its construction period and progress will be affected by bad weather conditions. Therefore, lots of details are frequently ignored. Mass concrete often cracks because of temperature difference. In order to catch up work progress, concrete quantity tends to increase for each pouring. The leakage of construction joint between external wall and foundation slab and remedy of construction interface will cause delay, induce poor quality, and increase cost. For the above reasons, project managers must face and solve the problems with a serious and positive attitude. The history of plant construction in Taiwan is longer than thirty years. However, the study of construction planning and programing for large mat foundation is rare. Without much helpful information, we can only learn from mistakes to accumulate our skill, knowledge and experience. As a site construction manager, I’m very lucky to be responsible for the task of completing a lot of large plant construction projects. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to build up a model of construction planning for large mat foundation, in order to allow others to avoid mistakes and provide a guideline for them to have the work done efficiently.5400675 bytesapplication/pdfen-US大型基礎版巨積混凝土後澆帶large mat foundationmass concretelate poured band大型基礎版施工規劃模式之建立Construction Planning Model for Large Mat Foundationthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/256029/1/ntu-101-P98521708-1.pdf