黃銘峰彭立沛2021-02-202021-02-202020-12https://www.airitilibrary.com/Publication/alDetailedMesh?DocID=P20181011002-202012-202012290009-202012290009-73-97https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/549042眾籌契作是由消費大眾或團體共同集資,與農民形成契約夥伴關係,進而提升產值的產銷方式。本研究以新北市茶鄉坪林為例,探討影響茶農參與眾籌契作意願的因素。本研究以計畫行為理論為基礎,針對茶農進行問卷調查,共獲得381份有效樣本數,並綜合人口統計變項進行敘述統計、因素分析、t檢定、變異數分析、相關性分析及迴歸等分析。多元迴歸分析結果顯示:在計畫行為理論框架中,影響坪林茶農參與眾籌契作行為意圖的最大正向影響因素為主觀規範,其次為知覺行為控制,最後則為態度。又根據人口變項顯示,比較有參與眾籌契作行為意圖的兩個屬性為男性、家庭參與耕作人數2至3人。本研究成果將可供眾籌契作的公共政策推動研析依據,及未來發展評估參考。"Crowdfunding for contractual farming" is a contractual partnership between the farmers and consumers or groups jointly raise funds, and has potential as an alternative to enlarging additional value of agricultural products. The research chose Pinglin, a district distinguished in tea production Taiwan, as the research area. Under the theory of planned behavior, the research conducted a questionnaire survey with 381 local tea farmers to evaluate their motivation for joining crowdfunding for contractual farming. After comparing questionnaire responses and demographical characteristics with statistical analysis (descriptive statistics, factor analysis, T-test, ANOVA, correlation analysis, and regression), the research discovers two main findings. First, multiple regression analysis shows that subjective norm highest positively affects behavioral intention, followed by perceptual behavior control. Secondly, demographic variables also affected the motivation of joining crowdfunding for contractual farming, by showing that men and families with 2 to 3 people in the cultivation had higher behavior intentions. The findings in farmers' motivation for crowdfunding for contractual farming contribute as a basis for public policy research, and a reference for future development evaluation.zh眾籌契作茶農行為意圖計畫行為理論坪林Crowdfunding for contractual farmingTea farmersBehavioral intentionTheory of planned behaviorPinglin坪林茶農參與眾籌契作意願的影響因素與其效果Identifying Factors Influencing Tea Farmers' Willingness to Participate in Crowdfunding for Contractual Farming and Its Effects in Pinglinjournal article