臺灣大學: 環境工程學研究所闕蓓德蔣在文Chiang, Tsai-WenTsai-WenChiang2013-03-252018-06-282013-03-252018-06-282012http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/251943水資源缺乏課題極為重要,然而目前國際間使用之生命週期衝擊評估模式僅評估水質劣化,針對水資源耗用之衝擊評估方法尚無定論。台灣地區由於降雨分布不均,導致各標的水資源使用存在競爭關係,缺水時期往往犧牲農業用水,實施休耕以補給生活用水與工業用水,影響正常農作收穫。本研究以水庫蓄水資料結合生命週期衝擊評估方法Eco-indicator 99評估臺灣北(石門水庫)、中(石岡壩水庫)、南(烏山頭水庫)三區域之水資源壓力指標與其水資源耗用衝擊;並以台灣某動態隨機存取記憶體之水資源耗用盤查資料為例,試算增加水資源耗用之生命週期評估影響。研究結果顯示三座水庫之水資源壓力皆為中等以上,而單位水資源耗用所造成之環境衝擊以中部石岡壩最大,北部石門水庫與南部烏山頭水庫次之。另以本研究分析之動態隨機存取記憶體案例,增加水資源耗用之生命週期衝擊可能達原衝擊之1.17倍。另一方面,為探討氣候變遷的影響,本研究以相對乾旱之2009年烏山頭水庫資料加以分析,研究結果顯示次年水資源壓力情形嚴重加劇,導致2010年前半年必須休耕因應。本研究提出之水資源耗用衝擊評估方式,可供後續生命週期評估研究參考。Water scarcity has drawn great attention in Taiwan. According to the definition of the United Nations, Taiwan is one of the countries facing a water crisis in the 21th century.Although water scarcity is a global issue, there is no unified approach for the assessment of impacts of water consumption. While current life cycle assessments (LCA) evaluate impacts due to changes in water quality, assessment schemes and characterisation factors for the impacts of water use are still lacking. Our research establishes a method for assessing the environmental impacts of freshwater consumption in Taiwan based on current studies. The water stress level of three reservoirs in Taiwan were calculated by an water stress index. For impact assessment, Eco-indicator 99 method was used in this research. On the other hand, a case study of IC product-DRAM was discussed in this research to compare the original impact and the impact with freshwater consumption added. The results indicated that the water stress index (WSI) of all three reservoirs was higher than medium level. Impact assessment revealed, Shihgang reservoir to have the highest total impact per m3 of water consumed.WuShanTou reservoir to have the highest impact per m3 of water consumed in human health impact category. Shihmen reservoir to have the highest impact per m3 of water consumed in Ecosystem quality impact category, and Shihgang reservoir to have the highest impact per m3 of water consumed in Resources impact category. In the case study of DRAM, impact with water cunsumption added may be 1.17 times more than the original impact.2127426 bytesapplication/pdfen-US水資源生命週期評估水資源壓力指標氣候變遷Water resourceslife cycle impact assessmentwater stress indexclimate change[SDGs]SDG3[SDGs]SDG6[SDGs]SDG7[SDGs]SDG12[SDGs]SDG13[SDGs]SDG15區域性水資源耗用之生命週期衝擊評估Life Cycle Impact Assessment of Regional Water Consumptionthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/251943/1/ntu-101-R99541208-1.pdf