2012-01-012024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/708860摘要:本計畫通過對臺灣近海的沉積物、海水和水中沉降物,進行同位素、元素、含碳量等地球化學指標分析,估算每年進入到臺灣近海沉積物的碳通量,建立近海各圈層碳循環的模式,探討碳的來源、循環過程和影響因素。從而對海洋捕碳、儲碳進行評估,並瞭解海洋對全球暖化的回應和海洋酸化對大氣CO2的影響。本計畫的另一個重點是瞭解臺灣近海貝類(如:牡蠣)對海洋生物捕碳的影響,如何正確再利用每年產生的大量的牡蠣殼,發現一些牡蠣養殖的新價值。<br> Abstract: Throughout analyses of isotopic compositions, carbon and elemental contents on sediments, water and trap samples from coastal Taiwan, this project aims to estimate the carbon fluxes into the coastal environment every year, to establish a carbon cycle model in the studying area, and to understand the carbon source, cycling process and their influencing factors. We also investigate the impact of oyster farming on the carbon cycle in the coastal Taiwan, and search methods for treating oyster shells and for elevating values of oyster farming. The results from this study will contribute to evaluate carbon capture and storage in the coastal ocean and understand respond and impact of ocean to the global warming.生物幫浦海洋生產&#63882碳循環臺灣近海同位素環境變化Biological pumpocean productivitycarbon cyclecoastal Taiwanisotopeenvironmental change臺灣近海二氧化碳的捕獲、轉化、封存及再利用之研究:生物幫浦(2/2)