國立臺灣大學醫學院外科周迺寬2006-07-262018-07-112006-07-262018-07-112005-07-31http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/24547心室輔助器對於心臟衰竭病患 等待心臟移植前提供比傳統藥物冶療更 好的生活品質與一年後存活率,由於病人 在心室輔助器支持下期間會發生生理訊 號的變化以及神經元的離子運動對神經 信號的傳輸的表現探討分析,就顯的十分 重要。若能以工程角度探討其物理機制, 則對於神經相關疾病的診斷甚至進一步 療程的發展都有相當大的助益。對離子運 動的物理機制,試著以所知的理論模型來 解決。離子的多元性與它們之間複雜的交 互作用,生物系統內的離子運動並不易於 了解。而為了簡化模擬系統,通常利用建 立於矽晶圓上的簡單生物系統,特別是微 流道,作為研究離子運動的環境,並進而 尋求流體內離子運動的解答。在計畫中, 以矽或砷化鎵相關的晶圓處理技術發展 微流道模型,透過離子與電子運動的相似 性,對固態電子的元件物理的理解,輔助 對微流道中離子運動特性的認知。生物系 統中離子運動相當重要。為了瞭解神經傳 導,研究鈉離子在通道中的物理機制以及 其所產生的空間電荷、電場為重要關鍵。 這份計畫主要在研究離子的移動特性。透 過半導體製成技術,可以製造出含有奈米 構造的微流道結構,來模擬神經中的陽離 子通道,藉著量測此通道在不同偏壓條件 下的電流響應,可以分析離子的移動特性 與物理機制。As the use of ventricular assist device (VAD) has increased dramatically during the past decade, it is necessary to understand the hemodynamic change and interaction between VAD and physiological ionic signal transmission. The improvement for Taita No.1 VAD was still persist no matter the preparation of polyurethane, endothelial cell culture prevent thrombosis, newer streamline of impeller design, the biocontroller development that matches physiological requirement, and spectrum analysis of flow and pressure. All things have to make additional efforts. Because physiological signal changes will happen when patients are under VAD-treatment, ion movement versus expressions of neural signal transmissions becomes extremely important. By selecting a point of view in engineering to discuss physical mechanisms occurred in ion movement that is much helpful in clinical diagnosis and the following therapeutic development. We introduce the basic knowledge of a neuron in the following sections to illustrate that why we are interest in physical mechanisms in ion movements and we also try to solve the problem according to some models as far as we know. Though the signal transmitted of neuron of different types has sizable differences, the form of signals are basically the same, all consist of change of the electric potential on the cell membrane of neuron. The electric potential perturbation produced by a part of cells will be spread to the surrounding area gradually, and then finished the information 3 transmission. Unless the signal amplification caused of energy supplement acquired by neuron, with the increase with the distance among the signal sources and neuron, the perturbation will gradually weaken.application/pdf343256 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學醫學院外科心室輔助器離子運動Ventricle assist deviceIon channel心室輔助器在心衰竭動物模型利用微流體通道上離子運動特性的研究及其相關之應用reporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/24547/1/932314B002234.pdf