臺灣大學: 藝術史研究所石守謙陳德馨Chen, Te-hsinTe-hsinChen2013-04-162018-05-292013-04-162018-05-292010http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/257787中 文 摘 要 中國人的嘲諷特性,原來便相當有趣。除了歷代史書都有宮庭俳優的記載外,專門收集各地笑話的「笑話書」也持續出版。這些文獻內容,成為我們今日了解中國歷代嘲諷特性及演變的重要依據。這個領域向來不被重視,但隨著對下層民眾精神生活的關懷,以及呈現歷史更多的面貌,乃重新檢視歷代嘲諷、玩笑、淫歌等過往難登大雅之堂的內容,使其成為與過往政經軍政等廟堂大事者不同的另一社會底層之歷史。漫畫是二十世紀初自歐美日本引進中國的大眾藝術,並在上海獲得廣泛的歡迎,於二、三十年代,《上海漫畫》(Shanghai Sketch) 等雜誌刊行後,立即成為上海市民休閒娛樂的暢銷讀物,並取代過往的「笑話書」(Chinese Jest Book),成為表現現代中國人嘲諷特性最佳的媒材。 本論文便是透過現代中國漫畫,討論二、三十年代上海市民的嘲諷特質。論文的章節設計,選用當時上海漫畫中,最具代表性的漫畫人物:摩登女郎(Modern girl),作為論證的主軸。以四個章節討論她的造型妝扮、市民追求她的手法、她在公共場合裡的出現,以及在她在缺席的狀況下仍對各種情境的影響。摩登女郎可以說是現代城市的產物,也是全球化共有的現象,是這個東方大都會最佳的代言人。以她為主題的漫畫作品,在上海漫畫中數量最為豐富,品質也比較高,代表著上海漫畫創作的最高水準。而藉由她所製造出來的漫畫趣味,也代表著上海市民在現代化潮流下,情慾奔放的嘲諷特質。 李歐梵在上海新感覺派小說(Neo-Sensationism)的研究中,指出上海的國際化現象,使她得以在建築外觀、市民休閒及聲色娛樂上,共同建構出一座華麗璀璨的摩登世界,作為上海市民心向往之的對象。而新感覺派小說便將這個世界描寫得更加豐富,更與傳統脫離,宛如是一個好萊塢電影般的異域世界。本論文便是以漫畫界中幾名漫畫家的作品、月份牌(calendar posters)、廣告、照片及電影劇照,與新感覺派小說的文字描寫,作為參與製作上海摩登世界的群體;另外以嘲諷嬉鬧為創作特色的上海諷刺漫畫家們,則對這個摩登世界大加揶揄。象徵上海都會的摩登小姐,在他們的筆下被醜化、消遣及嘲諷,以她為中心製造出一個情慾奔放的世界,成為上海市民休閒時娛樂的對象。本論文便是藉由這兩種創作旨趣相異者的對話,看出上海諷刺漫畫嘲諷的對象、嘲諷的地方及嘲諷的技巧,上海市民嘲諷的特質也得以在這種對話中展現。 漫畫雜誌在市場上成功後,諷刺漫畫便成為上海市民嘲諷摩登女郎的重要讀物,透過這些生動的圖象,嘲諷的特質得以盡情發洩,而環繞著摩登女郎所製造的笑話,也展現了過去所未曾有過的現代性。上海漫畫將中國傳統的嘲諷,帶入了現代世界,創造了新的內容,當然,也展現了上海城市特有的趣味,成為最能反映現代上海市民嘲諷趣味的傑出創作。Abstract The Chinese way of taunts is so interesting, apart from the imperial actors and actresses recorded in the historical documents, jokes collected from all places anthologized and published continuously. Their contents have become the evidence for us to understand the characteristics and changes of satires in the past dynasties. Since there wasn’t much attention to the field all along, this dissertation will examine the contents of satires, jokes and indecent songs with concerns for the spiritual lives of lower classes, it will present more historical aspects which could hardly appear in formal history, and shows its differences from cross-national issues on politics, economy and military that top elites were care about. Cartoon was introduced to China by Europe and Japan in the early 20th Century, it was a kind of popular arts which was widely welcome in Shanghai, when “Shanghai Sketch” was issued in the 1920s and 1930s, it became one of the best sellers among leisure and entertaining books at once, it took over “Joke Anthology”, turning into the most characteristic medium that modern Chinese used in satires. This dissertation will look into the satirical characteristics of the Shanghai citizens in the 1920s and 1930s through modern Chinese cartoon. The design of structure and selection of evidences in this dissertation will be based on the most representative work in Shanghai then: modern girl. It will discuss her molding, the way that Shanghai citizens courting her, her influence upon public occasions with her attendance or in absentia. Modern girl was quite a creation of modern city; it is also a worldwide phenomenon, she was the best spokesperson of Shanghai metropolis. Cartoon based on her stories were abundant and had better quality, which represented the highest standard among cartoonists’ creations in Shanghai. The funs that derived from her in cartoon are evidences for the satirical characteristics; the outburst of erotic feelings; which stands for Shanghai citizens in modernized trend. Leo Ou-fan’s research in the school of Shanghai Neo-sensationalism points out that the phenomenon of internationalization in Shanghai, establishes a splendid modern world for her, which based on the appearance of buildings, civilian leisure and erotic pleasure, a place where the Shanghai citizens would like to be. The neo-sensationalism describes an abundant world, it is different from the traditional one; it’s rather like a foreign land in Hollywood movies. One the one hand, this dissertation will select some cartoonists’ works, calendar posters, advertisements, pictures, stage photos and descriptions of neo-sensationalism, in the sense of being a part of the group which takes part in making a modern Shanghai; on the other hand, the Shanghai caricaturists make fun of the modern world. Modern girl in Shanghai metropolis is the subject that the caricaturists satirize; the caricaturists produce an erotic world for the modern girl, which the Shanghai citizens would feel funny. This dissertation makes dialogues between the two different schools, so that the readers can see the subjects, the places and the techniques the two schools satirize, so that the satirical characteristics of the Shanghai citizens can be shown. After the success in cartoon magazines, caricatures become an important reading stuff to satirize modern girls, the satirical characteristics can express through the vivid pictures and the jokes in connection with modern girls, which shows the modern features never before. Shanghai cartoon creates new stuff and brings Chinese tradition of satirizing into modern world; it certainly expresses the special fun of Shanghai itself, which become the masterpiece that reflects the taste of its citizens on satire.13279906 bytesapplication/pdfen-US摩登女郎城市文化現代化上海漫畫嘲諷modern girlurban culturemodernizationShanghai Sketchsatire寓嘲諷於情慾--漫畫中的上海城市文化(1928-1937)An Infusion of Taunts into Erotica--Shanghai Civic Culture in Caricatures(1928-1937)thesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/257787/1/ntu-99-D89141002-1.pdf