國立臺灣大學電信工程學研究所林茂昭2006-07-262018-07-052006-07-262018-07-052005-07-31http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/20320TH 預編碼(Tomlinson-Harashima precoding) 是將等化器(equalizer)放在通訊系統的發射端的 技術,如此可避免雜訊經過等化器而被放大;在有 線通道中的應用中,對於消除符號的互相干擾 (intersymbol interference,ISI)有非常好的效 果。TH 預編碼系統中,由於有回授之設計,造成 輸出信號大小會在某一範圍之內作均勻分佈。針對 此特性,我們提出一些新型設計以得到較低之輸出 平均功率。 在本研究中,我們使用包括多擬隨機序列 (multiple pseudo-random sequences)與多錯開器 (multiple Interleavers) 等選擇性映射 (selective mapping)方式,藉此挑選其中較小平 均功率的方法。並整合適當的編碼技術,設計新的 降低平均功率之技術。使得TH 預編碼系統同時具 備低平均功率,高傳輸率及高傳輸可靠度的優點。Tomlinson-Harashima precoding is a technique for eliminating intersymbol interference for the channel with response known by the transmitter. By placing equalizer at the transmitter side of the communication system, the intersymbol interference can be completely eliminated without noise enhancement. Due to the feedback design of Tomlinson-Harashima (TH) precoding, the output amplitude is uniformly distributed. By observing this phenomenon, we propose various designs so that the average power of the output sequence of the TH precoding system can be reduced. Regarding the problem of reducing the average output power of TH precoding system, there are a few related research works, such as trellis shaping. In this research, we propose to integrate error-correcting codes and selective mapping methods including multiple maximum-length sequences and multiple interleavers, so as to obtain TH precoding systems with low output power, high transmission rate and high transmission reliability.application/pdf302919 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學電信工程學研究所錯誤更正碼預編碼符際干擾擬隨機序列Error-correcting CodeTomlinson-Harashima precodingIntersymbol Interferencepseudo-random sequence降低TH 預編碼平均功率之一些設計Designs for Reducing the Average Power of The Tomlinson-Harashima Precodingreporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/20320/1/932213E002110.pdf