2020-07-242024-05-13https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/653390摘要:一、教學國際化 本學系自105學年度開始招收六年制物理治療學生(Doctor of Physical Therapy, DPT),預計將於110學年度第一屆六年制物理治療學生畢業後申請CAPTE國際認證。為符合CAPTE各項認證標準,擬安排本系教學暨課程委員會召集人林居正教授參加109年2月10-11日於美國華盛頓特區舉辦之自我評估工作坊,更進一步了解如何建構DPT自我評估報告,以及準備實地訪評的各項工作,有助於本系現正進行的六年制課程規劃藉此評鑑規範進行修正。 二、專業課程精進: 本系於105學年度設立六年制學士班,109學年度起大學部入學新生均為六年制,因應六年制課程規劃之改變,教具教材深度及數量多有需求,臨床實習學生學習內容與目標也將更深入、多元,為使本系見實習學生之臨床教師能更了解六年制學生課程,適切指導學生見實習,本系於109年9月至12月中的2個月提供每月擇一個週六開辦物理治療六年學制臨床教師增能每次3小時的課程。 為紮實六年制學生解剖課程,除增購解剖模型外,並請業界專家及研究生助教協助授課及實作,以深化未來110學年度以後之六年制學生解剖基礎作準備。 另外,為使四年制及六年制併行期提供足夠的授課空間,將活化空間使用,使課程過渡期間課程順利進行。 三、推動數位學習: 將以終身自主學習為目標,重點作法包括製作數位化教材,如線上案例討論及數位課程。以主題式連結各課程,如:步態分析、關節鬆動、解剖學或以疾病為主題串連各課程等,循序深化學習歷程。 &#32195;上,需要聘任物理治療或多媒體資工等相關背景的碩士級專任助理一名及學生助理多名,負責規劃主題、收集病例、執行,分鏡、剪接等事宜外,專任助理亦可協助專業課程精進項下之六年制教學行政事務。 <br> Abstract: 1. Internationalization of Teaching Doctoral of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree with six-year program was set up in 2016. It is expected that the first six-year physical therapy graduated students in 2021 may apply for Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE) international certification. In order to understand the certification standards of CAPTE, it is proposed to arrange Professor Lin, Academic Affairs, to participate in the self-assessment workshop held in Washington, DC, USA on February 10-11, 2020. Through this workshop, it can be further understood how to construct DPT self-assessment as well as the preparation of on-site visits and evaluations. This will help our department`s current six-year curriculum planning to meet the international standards in the future. 2. Refined Professional Courses Since 2020, all freshmen of DPT degree enrolled in this year are students with six-year program. In response to the DPT courses, the depth and quantity of teaching aids and materials will be refined. The goals and objectives of clinical practice will also be more in-depth and diversified. In order to enable the clinical teachers of the program to better understand the six-year degree courses for guiding students in the internship, training courses will be provided to enhance clinical teacher’s ability. Additionally, for consolidating the six-year student anatomy course, additional anatomical models, inviting industry experts’ speech and enhancing graduate teaching assistants’ teaching and implementation will be added to deepen the foundation of the anatomy course. On the other hand, in order to provide sufficient teaching space for the parallel period of the four-year and six-year programs, available teaching space will be reconstructed for the need of teaching courses during the transition period. 3. Promoting Digital Learning The goal of DPT program will be lifelong self-directed learning with strategic practices including the production of digital teaching materials, such as online case discussions and digital courses. The courses are linked by themes like gait analysis, joint mobilization, anatomy, or diseases to extend the learning process step by step. The six-year teaching administrative affairs under the curriculum will also be refined by adding faculty assistants and multimedia resources. For example, additional master-level full-time assistant and multiple student assistants with related backgrounds such as physiotherapy or multimedia resources will be recruited for topic planning, case collection, execution, segmentation and editing learning resources for students.教學國際化專業課程精進推動數位學習Internationalization of TeachingRefined Professional CoursesPromoting Digital Learning109年度教學創新推動計畫-物理治療學系