臺灣大學: 心理學研究所鄭伯壎陳芊穎Chen, Cian-YingCian-YingChen2013-03-202018-06-282013-03-202018-06-282012http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/247515華人企業組織的領導與管理方式受到華人文化影響,管理者會依不同歸類標準將部屬加以區分,稱為員工歸類歷程,並依此進行不同的互動模式,但其引發的部屬知覺為何,一直是過去研究較少關注的。本研究主要目的乃試圖從部屬觀點出發,瞭解部屬知覺到主管決策標準與部屬認知、情感及行為之關係,並探討知覺主管決策分配標準與部屬認知、情感及行為之間關係是否受到部屬權力距離傾向的調節。研究採用情境故事法的實驗設計,以獎酬分配情境為例,並依照華人員工歸類標準:關係、忠誠、才能將受試者進行分組,以及對照組,採受試者間設計,測量部屬知覺主管決策依據之標準對於部屬的公平知覺、負向情緒及離職傾向產生的影響。本研究共計有212位來自不同產業的員工參與本實驗。研究結果顯示:相較於關係、忠誠及對照組而言,才能組引發的公平知覺最高,離職傾向最低。而四組在負向情緒上則沒有顯著差異。此外,部屬的權力距離傾向會調節其知覺主管決策分配標準與部屬的公平知覺之關係。最後,本文進一步說明可能的研究限制,並提出未來可供研究之方向以及管理實務意涵。Chinese management style is strongly influenced by Chinese culture. In Chinese organization, supervisors will classify subordinates by using three criteria(guanxi, loyalty and competence), and their interactions with different categories of subordinates vary. It''s called employee categorization process. However, the perception of subordinate are ignored. Hence, in the study, the author takes the perspective of the subordinate, to know what the effects of subordinates are when they perceive the different criteria which the supervisors use to govern the decisions. In addition, explore power distance orientation as a moderator of the influence of the different criteria which the supervisors use to govern the decisions, and the relationship with the subordinate’s reactions. This study uses the scenario experiment with a reward allocation context, and between-subject design by the group of guanxi, loyalty, competence and baseline. Given the research results, compared with other groups, the group of competence has the highest justice perception, and the lowest turnover intention. Nevertheless, there is no difference in negative emotion between four groups. Moreover, power distance orientation of subordinate will moderate the relationship between justice perception and the different criteria which the supervisors use to govern the decisions. All assumptions in the research are mostly totally or partially verified. Finally, contributions and limitations are also discussed, and suggestions are provided for future studies and managerial practices in Chinese organizations.140 bytestext/htmlen-US員工歸類標準公平知覺負向情緒離職傾向權力距離傾向獎酬分配Employee categorizationjusticenegative emotionturnover intentionreward allocation知覺主管決策標準對部屬認知、情感及行為之影響─以獎酬分配為例Perception of Criteria for Supervisor’s Decisions and Its Effects on Subordinate’s Cognition, Emotion & Behavior ─A Reward Allocation Contextthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/247515/1/index.html