吳家麟臺灣大學:資訊工程學研究所陳萱瑋Chen, Hsuan-WeiHsuan-WeiChen2007-11-262018-07-052007-11-262018-07-052004http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/53648伴隨著數位化視訊分析與儲存的技術進步,尤其在娛樂工業中的發展,電影觀賞者希望能對所觀賞的影片有著更多的控制與互動,如DVD系統的電影或線上娛樂供給系統。因此,一套能對電影作自動分析的工具是不可或缺的,也就是能在接近人們知覺與語意來對電影做有效率的擷取與瀏覽等。本論文提出了一個以節奏分析為基礎的動作電影分割與摘要系統。我們組合了場景變換偵測、motion強度分析、以電影聲音特徵為基礎的語意偵測、及電影本身具有的特性(電影文法),來對電影的節奏做分析與呈現,並實做了一個對動作電影做分割與摘要的系統。之後,我們針對多個不同動作電影進行實驗,並針對實驗結果做了分析與比較。With the advance of digital video analysis and storage technologies, also in the filed of entertainment industry, movie viewers hope to gain more control over what they see. For example, we expect interactivity in films produced for DVD and online entertainment-on-demand systems. Therefore, tools that enable automated movie analysis are becoming indispensable to efficiently access, retrieve, and browse information closed to a human perceptive and semantic level. We proposed an action movie segmentation and summarization system based on tempo, which is regarded as the delivery speed of important segments of a movie. In this tempo-based system, we combine the techniques of shot change detection, motion activity analysis, semantic context detection based on audio features, and the film domain knowledge (film grammar) to perform the concept of tempo and construct the system for action movies segmentation and summarization. Then we do experiments on several different action movie sequences, and give an analysis and comparison according to the experimental results.Chapter 1 Introduction 13 1.1 Motivation 13 1.2 Proposed Approach 14 1.3 Thesis Structure 15 Chapter 2 Film Grammar 16 2.1 An Overview of Film Grammar 16 2.2 The Montage 19 Chapter 3 Computational Aesthetics 21 3.1 A Literature Survey of Movie Analysis 21 3.1.1 Approaches to Film Content Management 22 3.1.2 Expressive Elements of Movie Contents 25 3.1.3 Visual Analysis 28 3.1.4 Audio Analysis 30 3.2 Applied Media Aesthetics 34 Chapter 4 The Proposed Approach 37 4.1 Features of Action Movies 37 4.2 System Framework 38 4.3 Shot Change Detection 39 4.4 Motion Activity Analysis 41 4.5 Audio Feature Extraction 44 4.6 Expressive Elements of Movies: Tempo 47 4.6.1 Tempo Definition 47 4.6.2 Tempo Formulation 48 Chapter 5 Movie Segmentation and Summarization 50 5.1 Movie Segmentation 50 5.2 Movie Summarization 53 Chapter 6 Experimental Results and Discussions 55 Chapter 7 Conclusions and Future Work 67 7.1 Conclusions 67 7.2 Future Work 68en-US媒體內涵處理電影分割電影摘要節奏分析電影文法計算美學Movie segmentationMovie summarizationComputational media aestheticsContent-based media processingTempo analysisFilm grammar以節奏分析為基礎的動作電影分割與摘要Action Movies Segmentation and Summarization Based on Tempo Analysisthesis