臺灣大學: 農業經濟學研究所陳郁蕙謝可蓉Hsieh, Ko-JungKo-JungHsieh2013-03-272018-07-092013-03-272018-07-092012http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/252959魚市場為我國魚貨主要交易場所,魚貨流通量約占我國魚貨需求量之四成,其具備之職能包括提供市場資訊、調節供需、衛生管理、集散魚貨及形成魚貨價格等。近年來魚市場之功能雖逐漸式微,但其經營情況對國內魚貨產銷通路之影響甚鉅,故魚市場存在有其必要性。然而,目前國內並未對魚市場有全面性之考核機制,故本研究之目的在研擬魚市場績效考核之評量重點,並藉由層級分析法將政府相關單位人員、魚市場經營管理者與學者等各方意見做整合,以得到一較客觀之重要性排序,以期將來能作為魚市場評分時之參考依據,而魚市場方面也能藉此作有效且全面之改善。 本研究依據現行法規及過去相關文獻初步研擬各評估因素,並依專家意見進行修正,再利用層級分析將各因素架構為階層關係之結構;接著依據該架構設計問卷並對專家進行意見分析,以計算出各項目之重要性權重。研究結果可知,層級二中各因素重要性由高至低依序為「交易流程管理」、「魚貨安全管理」、「市場行政管理」、「市場環境衛生管理」、以及「場地設備之利用與維護管理」;其中「交易流程管理」與「魚貨安全管理」重要程度最高應與魚市場主要職能之展現有關,因魚市場為法定交易場所,故應嚴格監控交易流程以達到交易之公平,並維護供貨人及承銷人之權益,另一方面魚市場亦應扮演把關魚貨安全之角色,以維護消費者之食用安全。Fish wholesale markets are the main trading facilities in Taiwan, accounting for 40% of the total domestic demand for fish. Their functions are market information, supply and demand adjustment, hygiene management, fishery products distribution, and price settlements. These functions gradually decline in recent years. The operation of fish wholesale markets has an enormous impact on the domestic fishery production and sales channels, so its existence is of importance. However, there is currently no comprehensive fish market evaluation mechanism in Taiwan. The purposes of this study are to analyze the evaluation system of the fish wholesale markets, and by Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to comprehend viewpoints from all parties including government agencies, fish market managers, and academics. From the evaluation system, we can obtain a more objective importance ranking, and to serve as a reference for future evaluations. These markets can function with higher efficiency and improvement in all aspects. Basing on existing regulations and the relevant literature, this study finds out the evaluation factors, using experts’ opinion to make adjustments, and the AHP to structure various factors. Then, within this framework, this study forms the questionnaire, analyzes the expert opinion, and calculates the weights of various items. This study finds that level two importance rankings are in the orders of trading process management, safety management of fishery products, market administrative management, market environment and hygiene management, and equipment maintenance and management. Trading process management and safety management of fishery products are the top two important factors, because these are the main functions of fish wholesale markets. Fish wholesale markets are the legal market place for fishery products, and their trading processes should be strictly monitored in order to pursue the fairness. Fish wholesale markets should also ensure safety of fishery products and protect the consumers from illness.1380722 bytesapplication/pdfen-US層級分析法魚貨批發市場魚市場考核analytic hierarchy processfish wholesale marketevaluation system魚市場考核制度內容研析Analyzing Evaluation System of The Fish Wholesale Marketthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/252959/1/ntu-101-R99627010-1.pdf