2014-01-012024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/697762摘要:本計畫著重於地理學當中的政治生態學研究,分為兩大研究議題:一、公路開發與台灣高山農業的政治生態學;二、都市政治生態學與台灣永續發展。在第一個研究議題的部分,主要是透過「高山農業地景」為切入點,以戰後公路與農場開築史的文獻蒐集、相關官民的半結構性訪談、以及參與觀察作為研究方法,瞭解高山農業地景當中所傳達的市場經濟、國家治理與榮民族群的關係。在此背景之下,本文期待能夠突破單一的因果論述,以組配(assemblage)的觀念,立體化這些概念當中的人與非人因子之間的連結,其中人的因子可能包含商人、政府官員、地方菁英階層、榮民族群、茶葉種植研究者等等,而非人因子則可能包含蔬果品種、種植環境、現代農業科技、研究報告等等。而在第二個研究議題部分,預計透過1960年代至今的歷史資料(報章、紀錄與文獻)的整理與分析,理解在1990年代開始進入台灣的歐美永續發展概念,如何與台灣政府的環境論述、政策,還有台灣重要的環保團體產生互動。<br> Abstract: This project contains two issues: (1) political ecology of Central Cross-Island Highway development and alpine agriculture; (2) urban political ecology and sustainability in Taiwan. In the first issue, we provide assemblage theory as a framework to understand interweaves of marketing, governance and daily life of veterans. Research methods in this part are archival research, including documents and images of development history of alpine agriculture in Taiwan. Also, we will conduct semi-structured interviews and participant observation. In the second part, we try to figure out correlations on Taiwan environment policy, environment NGOs’ discourse and sustainability ideas from the West. Research methods in the second part are collecting different environmental discourses of government and NGOs from 1960s and interviewing relative persons. Furthermore, information collecting in the second part would focus on environmental discourses changes of NGOs and government since 1990s, when the idea of sustainability had been introduced to Taiwan.政治生態學高山農業榮民組配永續發展political ecologyalpine agricultureveteranassemblagesustainability(103)學術領域-理學院-地理環境資源學系