2011-02-112024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/681724摘要:每年臨臺的颱風是臺灣主要的雨量來源,但同時也可能導致嚴重災害及社經損失。中央氣象局為提供防救災權責機關及時動員的合理而有效的雨量預報資訊,擬提出五年期、大型國際合作之「臨臺颱風觀測及預報實驗計劃」,藉由強化颱風基礎監測及模擬研究,深入了解地形對颱風移行與深對流發展的影響、颱風與東亞季風跨尺度的交互作用、和颱風內部中尺度系統的結構等,以提升颱風之路徑、強度和降雨量的預報準確度。過去藉由跨國合作的飛機投落送颱風觀測及資料同化,已大幅度的改善颱風的路徑預報,「臨臺颱風觀測及預報實驗計劃」擬整合穿越飛機監測直接取得高解析度熱動力場資料。本計劃將針對「臨臺颱風觀測及預報實驗計劃」提出具體的計劃書草案,內容包括計劃目標、實驗範圍及項目、國際合作及人力配置、實驗時程與進度等進行規劃,並評估實驗所需各項委辦費用。<br> Abstract: The typhoons in the vicinity of Taiwan provide the rainfall as the principally water source to Taiwan and yet they may also product tremendous disasters. Central Weather Bureau will propose a multi-agency international filed program for observation and prediction of typhoon in the vicinity of Taiwan to improve the understanding and the forecasting of typhoons. The authentic information could provide the associated departments to establish an advance early warning system. Recently, the dropsonde observation and data assimilation from international filed camping have significant improved the typhoon track simulation. The objective of the advance program is to obtain the high resolution measurement from aircraft itself. This program is to propose a specific planning report of the filed experiment for observation and prediction of typhoon in the vicinity of Taiwan, which will include the program goal, experimental domain and items, transnational cooperation and manpower arrangement, scheduled progress and the budget assessment.颱風東亞季風中尺度臨臺颱風觀測及預報實驗計畫