國立臺灣大學電機工程學系暨研究所陳德玉2006-07-252018-07-062006-07-252018-07-062004-10-31http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/7999本研究計畫報告內容包含雜訊分離器之製作,與考慮混模雜訊效應電磁干 擾濾波器的設計流程兩部分。在雜訊分離器方面,我們使用了高準確性並符合 測量頻寬所需範圍(10KHz~30MHz),且輸入與輸出阻抗皆為50Ω的功率結 合器來製作,所以增加了量測結果的準確性。在所提出之考慮混模雜訊效應 EMI 濾波器設計流程方面,採用提供混模雜訊平衡路徑的概念,相較於傳統的 設計結果,更能夠有效減少濾波器的差模元件體積,進而達到節省成本之目 的。經由實例設計結果,我們也能夠加以驗證所提出之理論的正確性。There are two key objectives accomplished in the past year. 1. Design and construction of high-accuracy noise separator for EMI: A new noise separator using the latest radio-frequency power combiners has been constructed and tested. The latest combiner features 50-ohm input impedance and the splitter accuracy better fits the EMI range (10 KHz to 30 MHz) than those used previously. As a result, the separating accuracy improves, especially in the low-frequency range. This new separator can be used for diagnosis of noise problem with higher accuracy than previously reported. 2. Incorporation of mixed-mode noise phenomena into EMI filter design procedure: The new design procedure can lead to significant reduction of filter size. This is possible because of deeper understanding of the noise coupling phenomenon and therefore avoid unnecessarily large DM filter. Filters designed from the proposed procedure was constructed and tested in the lab. The results agree well with the theory. The new procedure can save designers much time for filter design.application/pdf1329518 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學電機工程學系暨研究所電磁干擾濾波器混模雜訊切換式電源供應器Noise separatorEMI filtersMixed-modeSwitching Power Supplies電磁干擾濾波器整體問題探討及設計reporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/7999/1/922218E002051.pdf