2012-03-082024-05-14https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/660863摘要:臺灣之中醫藥研究水準舉世聞名,建置發行國際級的中醫藥學術期刊,對於台灣的中醫藥研究國際化而言,極有助益。因此,行政院衛生署中醫藥委員會已於99年度委託國立台灣大學食品與分子生物研究中心建置成立國際中醫藥國際期刊「Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine」(JTCM),於100年10月發行創刊號,未來如何以最有效率及最低成本的策略,持續推動高品質的國際性中醫藥學術期刊,應為台灣中醫藥相關學術界國際化的當務之急。本計畫目標為:1.增加JTCM期刊之曝光度;2.增加JTCM期刊論文之引用;3.提升網站之黏著度、培養忠誠使用者。本計畫擬分三年進行,101至103年度分別出版JTCM第2至4期各4卷期刊,每期收錄10篇論文,並持續JTCM網站與投審稿系統之正常維運,同時在原先之基礎上進行功能與介面的強化與升級。此外將積極規劃各種國際宣傳方式,例如購買google關鍵字廣告、與國際平台合作以增加JTCM曝光度等,此外,101年度將於期刊網站新增graphical summary功能、於系統信件中增加URL連結、並且建置線上中醫藥字辭典查詢系統,於期刊按時且穩定發刊一年後,將可申請進入Medline;102年度將建置論文摘要多國語系翻譯功能,申請DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals)、Pubmed、Google scholar,更重要的是於發刊滿兩年後申請進入SCI;103年度除了穩定發刊並維持網站與系統之正常運行外,會依照使用者之回饋更新網站與系統功能,並尋找新的國際平台曝光管道,使JTCM成為一高知名度且質量兼具之中醫藥期刊。<br> Abstract: Establishing an international journal related to traditional medicine is very important for the traditional medicine research of Taiwan. In 2011, CCMP supported National Taiwan University to establish a new journal “Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine” (JTCM) (CCMP99-RD-066). JTCM was first published on Oct. 10, 2011. But how to promote JTCM to be a well-known international journal of high quality with effective strategies is the most important work for JTCM. The aims of this project are to: (1) increase the exposure of JTCM, (2) increase the citation rate of JTCM, and (3) increase users/readers of JTCM website. This is a 3-year project. Volume 2 to 4 of JTCM will be published in 2012 to 2014; each number of published issues has 10 papers. JTCM website and the Online Submission System will be maintained and upgraded. International promotion strategies will be planned, such as google ads or collaboration with international platform. Besides, graphical summary, URL in system letters, online dictionary will be setup in the first year. And we will apply for Medline at the end of 2012. Multi-language system of JTCM website will be established in the second year, and we will apply for DOAJ, Pubmed, Google Scholar, and SCI. In the third year, the website and the system will be maintained better as well, and new functions according to users’ cooments will be setup. We will find new promotion strategies for JTCM to make JTCM a well-known and high-quality journal in the area of traditional and complementary medicine worldwide.中醫藥國際期刊科學引文索引Traditional medicineInternational journalSCI落實推動國內SCI國際中醫藥學術期刊