2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714708The Department of Physics, established in 1946, is the oldest leading institution in Taiwan active in physics teaching and research. There are 45 full-time faculty members, 5 Distinguished Chair Professor for Research, 13 Joint-Appointment faculty members, 10 adjunct faculty members and 5 meritus professors in the department. Moreover, through the international academic exchange program, there are visiting professors, visiting research fellows, and postdoctoral fellows from the United States, Japan, Czech Republic, South Korea, India, Indonesia and Mainland China, etc. Our research program covers all the major branches of modern physics and is particularly keen on developing new research fields. The main area of research includes particle physics, field theory, high energy physics, medium energy and nuclear physics, atomic physics, astrophysics, condensed matter physics (metal, magnetism, surface, semiconductor, low temperature and superconductivity, low dimensional quantum systems), chemical physics, laser physics, optics (spectroscopy, nonlinear), statistical mechanics, and biophysics. Faculty members of the department also participate in the Ministry of Education’s Program for Promotion of Academic Excellence of Universities and other National Projects within Taiwan. In addition, faculty members also actively participate in international academic activities. With continuing research and educational activities, the Department strives to build a first-rate program both in the Taiwanese and the international physics community.民國 17年,日人創設了台北帝國大學(為臺灣大學的前身)。當時僅有理農學部,並沒有物理系。而化學系由於必修普通物理,便設立了一個「物理學講座」的研究室。 光復後,由戴運軌教授接收「物理學講座」,於民國 35年成立物理學系,又於民國49年、58年先後成立物理研究所碩士班以及博士班,是國內在物理方面,從事學術研究及人才培育,歷史最久、造就菁英最多的單位。 民國 90年2月,物理系暨研究所遷至『物理學系暨凝態科學研究中心』。有感於天文物理可以說是人文氣息最為豐富之自然科學領域,也可以說是人類基於對宇宙與大自然之好奇衍生出來之最古老的科學,天文物理可以成為人文與科學對話之最佳橋樑,本系於民國 92年成立天文物理研究所,而後為尋求應用物理領域的開拓,為使學術研究成果落實到產業應用的層次,本系又於民國97年成立應用物理研究所 以便達到學術研究與產業科技密切結合的目標,並為國家儲訓前瞻性高科技產業人才。PhysicsAcademic Institute