2008-08-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/682885摘要:在亞洲的新興民主憲政中,台灣與韓國具有高度的相關,其中一項便是憲法上的總統角色以及總統選制。相對於日本的內閣制,台灣與韓國總統選制是建立在全輸或全贏的規則上,提供分裂社會的憲政基礎。而面對分裂社會,法院往往扮演著相當特殊的角色,而台灣與南韓同時都有憲法法院的設置,兩國的憲法法院如何面對總統選制所造成的社會分裂? 本研究將透過台灣與南韓的比較,探究亞洲的總統體制對分裂社會形成的作用,並透過憲法裁判的比較分析,探討亞洲的憲法法院,又是如何因應基於憲政體制設計所造成的社會分裂。在研究步驟上,本研究將先行分析台灣與南韓憲法上總統的職權與選制的內涵與演變,進而分析此等憲政制度設計是否以及如何對社會產生裂痕。本研究進一步挑選出與總統職權與選制有關的憲法解釋或裁判,並分析其與分裂社會的關連,以及法院對此一社會裂痕的認知程度,進而比較分析憲法法院的對此的司法哲學取向。 本研究的意義,除了彰顯憲法上政府體制與選制設計與社會結構的關連外,更要以此一共同的問題,型塑法院對分裂社會的著力。將台灣與南韓做比較研究,更有檢討亞洲憲政主義,並與當代主流憲政主義對話的作用。而整體研究結果,對未來憲政改革方向或憲政主義發展方向,均具有高度參考價值。 <br> Abstract: Among new democracies in East Asia, Taiwan and South Korea share many common transitional features. Constitutionally both share a level of semi-presidentialism and functioning constitutional courts in adjudicating constitutional controversies. The contested presidential elections, a winner takes all game, may has contributed to the cleavage of the divided societies and consequential political gridlocks. These political issues are then commonly referred to constitutional courts for resolution. To what extent and in what ways the courts in Taiwan and South Korea have dealt with the social cleavage contributed by the contested presidential elections and constitutional presidentialism? How are these constitutional adjudications contributing to the constitutional scholarship? This study aims to analyze the function of constitutional court in resolving social conflicts arising from the all-or-nothing presidential elections and constitutional presidential powers. A comparative study into Taiwan and South Korean experiences would further contribute to comparative study of constitutional adjudication in Asian transitional context. This study not only highlights the close link between constitutional government framework and social structure but also demonstrates function of modern constitutional courts. By comparing Taiwan and Korea, this study presents the transitional constitutionalism in Asian context that may be significant for other emerging democracies facing constitutional choices between presidential and cabinet system and whether to establish a constitutional court.總統制內閣制分裂社會憲法法院憲政主義presidential systemcabinet systemdivided societyconstitutional courtconstitutionalism優勢重點領域拔尖計畫/人文社會高等研究院/總統選制、分裂社會與憲法法院:臺灣與南韓的比較研究