臺灣大學: 生醫電子與資訊學研究所賴飛羆蕭錦濤Sio, Kam-TouKam-TouSio2013-03-212018-07-052013-03-212018-07-052010http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/250143內容可定址記憶體是一種利用隨機靜態存取記憶體作爲記憶單元的裝置。它在查找IP位址的網路路由器、封包傳送以及封包分類上有著相當大的利用價值。爲了迎合市場上不同的需要,進而發展出各種不同的內容可定址記憶體,例如預先計算型內容可定址記憶體。本篇論文發展一套可以在早期估算的能量表示方法,給予電路設計師在早期設計時估計晶片之功率消耗以及功率分佈。對於所建立的方法,大幅縮短時間而又能夠產出令人滿意的準確率,是本篇論文的主要目的。在此篇論文裡,提出一種稱爲CAM拼圖的方法。其基本原理是先用HSPICE模擬建立出各種用功能可區分的小模型,再把它們組合起來,形成一個完整的CAM系統。這個方法不單可以分析普通的內容可定址記憶體,亦可應用在預先計算型的內容可定址記憶體上。另外,此方法亦同樣用作估計週邊電路的功率消耗,例如位址解碼器電路以及資料I/O驅動電路等等較爲耗電的裝置。實驗結果表示,應用此方法作爲內容可定址記憶體的分析,可以在極短的模擬時間內得到82%的模型準確率,以及94%的系統準確率。而與此方法相比的是在180奈米製程下所進行的HSPICE模擬結果。Content Addressable Memory (CAM) is a data storage device, utilizing the Static Random Access Memory (SRAM) cell. CAMs are very popular especially implemented in network routers for IP address lookup, packet forwarding and packet classifications. Up to now, there are many types of CAM to conform to these different implementations. For the purpose to estimate the efficiency and power distribution of all types of CAM, doing preliminary simulation is needed before doing concrete circuit layout. Therefore, a speedy and accurate power analysis method is necessary. Besides, the simulation time of nowadays circuit simulation tool like HSPICE is considerable, especially for high frequency data storage circuits like CAMs. This work established a brand new power model of CAM which is called CAM Puzzle (CAMP), combining the petty models which are extracted from SPICE simulation, simplified into easily analytical power expressions in order to analyse the conventional CAM and pre-computation based content addressable memory (PB-CAM). In addition, this work also estimates the power consumption of CAM peripheral circuits such as address decoder circuit and data I/O. Using CAMP, the power consumption of complete CAM architecture can be estimated with 82% CAM Puzzle model accuracy and 94% entire CAM accuracy compared with SPICE simulation in 0.18μm process.3423359 bytesapplication/pdfen-US內容可定址記憶體隨機靜態存取記憶體網路路由器解碼器HSPICECAMSPICEPB-CAMaccuracy0.18μm process內容可定址記憶體之功率模型及功能為基礎之電路分割方法CAM Puzzle: Power Model and Function-Based Circuit Segment Method of Content Addressable Memorythesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/250143/1/ntu-99-R97945018-1.pdf