2007-01-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/684739摘要:本計畫擬對蝴蝶蘭催花期最佳之生育條件進行深入之研究來精確調控開花時間及花朵品質,並藉由品種之篩選及乙烯作用抑制劑的應用來延長花朵壽命。目前在這方面欠缺系統性之研究,因此業者均期盼著此類關鍵生產技術的研發。在生育條件的研究方面,將針對蝴蝶蘭花梗發育期,確認各項營養、水分的精確需求,以及其對後續開花品質的影響;藉以建立催花期之營養管理模式。而標準採後處理模式的研發將有利於蝴蝶蘭抵抗不良的展售環境,延長壽命,藉以提升商品價值。 本計畫所研究之內容係走訪國內主要生產業者後所研擬,因此研發之技術將能立即為生產者所運用,效益成本比甚高。在過去,國內業者常因營養管理缺失,導致外銷苗株在催花後表現不佳,引致貿易糾紛。本計畫之進行將可提供業者在催花或外銷作業之前確切的營養管理技術,確保蝴蝶蘭在交易或櫥窗販售後仍能維持優越之品質,提升台灣蝴蝶蘭在國際上之競爭力。<br> Abstract: Although it has been known for decades that flower stalks of Phalaenopsis can be induced by low temperature and then it has became a standard practice for controlling the flowering of Phalaenopsis, there is a high demand from the industry to precisely control the flowering, not only for the timing, but to bloom Phalaenopsis on time with maximum flower quality. After discussed with major local growers, we initiated this project with objective of acquiring high-quality flowering Phalaenopsis by precise pre- and post- harvest measures. So far information in relation to flowering quality is limited, and such information is of great importance for local growers to compete with world-wide Phalaenopsis producers. In this study, we will investigate the optimum growing conditions, especially in mineral nutrition, for flower inducing, in order to ensure a prolonged shelf-life after harvest. Also, we will develop certain postharvest techniques, such as the use of 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), to extend the postharvest life of Phalaenopsis. This project is also aimed to select outstanding Phalaenopsis cultivars, which are less sensitive to ethylene, for future breeding needs.蝴蝶蘭礦物營養1-methylcyclopropene乙烯花朵壽命Phalaenopsismineral nutrition1-methylcyclopropeneethyleneflower longevity植物生物技術研發及應用計畫-精準調控蝴蝶蘭採前生育條件及採後處理方式以改善花朶品質及壽命