楊永斌Yang, Yeong-Bin臺灣大學:土木工程學研究所張凱淳Chang, Kai-ChuenKai-ChuenChang2010-07-012018-07-092010-07-012018-07-092009U0001-2506200919211900http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/187872傳統上,量測橋梁頻率的方法是,直接安裝感測器於橋體上,經由記錄與分析橋體的振動反應得到橋梁頻率,該方法被稱為橋梁頻率直接量測法。最近,一種被稱為橋梁頻率間接量測法的新概念被提出,此一量測法之主軸為,間接地由車輛於通過橋梁期間之動力反應中擷取橋梁頻率,而不是由橋體的動力反應中擷取之。與傳統的直接量測法相較,利用移動車輛來量測橋梁頻率的間接量測法,擁有移動性、方便性、經濟性等優勢。但在早期對間接量測法的研究當中,焦點著重於該新量測法之可行性研究,因此僅有橋梁的第一頻或基頻被詳加考慮且成功擷取。本研究之目的在提昇橋梁頻率間接量測法之品質,在考量下列幾個方面之後,間接量測法之適用範疇延伸至,能更可靠地量測到基頻及基頻之外的橋梁頻率:(1)確保車輛反應Fourier頻譜中的解析度;(2)評估車橋互制系統中,各主要參數對車輛動力反應之影響;(3)藉由與經驗模態分離法(empirical mode decomposition, EMD)之結合,強化間接量測法;(4)探討採用Hilbert-Huang轉換(HHT)取代或輔助傳統快速Fourier轉換(FFT)之可行性。最後,提出幾點結論,以供後續現地量測及未來研究工作之參考。Conventionally, the bridge frequencies are measured directly from the dynamic response of the bridge, using vibration sensors directly mounted on the bridge. Such an approach is referred to as the direct approach. Recently, another concept for measuring the bridge frequencies, referred to as the indirect approach was proposed. The main idea of the indirect approach is to extract the bridge frequencies indirectly from the dynamic response recorded for a vehicle during its passage over the bridge, rather than from that recorded for the bridge. Compared with the direct approach, the indirect approach for measuring the bridge frequencies from a passing vehicle has the advantage that it is a movable technique; it can be conveniently applied to measuring the frequencies of a bridge with basically no instrumentation on the bridge. In the early stage of studies on indirect approach, focus has been placed on its feasibility. As such, only the first or fundamental frequency of the bridge has been considered in the investigation. The objective of this dissertation is to refine the indirect approach for extracting the bridge frequencies. The applicability of the indirect approach is extended to extracting bridge frequencies other than the fundamental one with higher reliability, taking into account the following factors: (a) to ensure resolution in the Fourier spectrum of the vehicle response, (b) to evaluate how each of the major parameters of the vehicle-bridge system may affect the dynamic response of a passing vehicle, (c) to enhance the indirect approach by combining it with the empirical mode decomposition (EMD) technique, and (d) to explore the feasibility of applying the Hilbert-Huang transform (HHT) as an alternative or joint tool for the conventional fast Fourier transform (FFT). Suggestions are made for later application of the technique in the field, along with further directions of research highlighted.誌 謝 ibstract iii 要 vable of Contents viiist of Tables xiist of Figures xiiihapter 1. Introduction 1-1.1. Background 1-1.1.1. Importance of Bridge Frequencies 1-1.1.2. Direct Approaches for Measuring Bridge Frequencies 1-2.1.3. Indirect Approach for Extracting Bridge Frequencies 1-4.1.4. Data Analysis Technique 1-6.2. Objectives 1-8.3. Arrangement of Dissertation 1-11hapter 2. Literature Review 2-1.1. Introduction 2-1.2. Direct Approaches for Measuring Bridge Frequencies 2-2.3. Indirect Approach for Extracting Bridge Frequencies 2-6.4. Hilbert-Huang Transform (HHT) and HHT-based Applications 2-8.5. Concluding Remarks 2-13hapter 3. Fundamentals of Indirect Approach 3-1.1. Introduction 3-1.2. Theory of Indirect Approach 3-2.2.1. Analytical Formulation of the Theory 3-2.2.2. Numerical Verification of the Theory 3-7.3. Field Test of Indirect Approach 3-11.3.1. Issues Related to Field Tests 3-11.3.2. Plan of Field Tests 3-14.3.3. Results and Discussions 3-16.4. Concluding Remarks 3-20hapter 4. Indirect Approach from Viewpoint of Fourier Spectral Analysis: Parametric Study 4-1.1. Introduction 4-1.2. Formulation of the Theory 4-2.3. Amplitude Ratios in Fourier Transform 4-10.4. Case I: One Bridge Frequency Involved 4-16.5. Case II: Two Bridge Frequencies Involved 4-23.6. Identification Condition of Previous Works 4-31.7. Concluding Remarks 4-33hapter 5. Indirect Approach Enhanced by EMD Technique for Extracting Bridge Frequencies 5-1.1. Introduction 5-1.2. Empirical Mode Decomposition 5-3.3. Extraction of Bridge Frequencies from Numerical Simulation 5-6.4. Experimental Studies 5-11.5. Concluding Remarks 5-15hapter 6. Indirect Approach with the Aid of Hilbert-Huang Spectral Analysis: Qualitative Analysis 6-1.1. Introduction 6-1.2. Hilbert-Huang Spectral Analysis 6-3.3. Extraction of Bridge Frequencies from Numerical Simulation 6-6.4. Experimental Studies 6-13.5. Concluding Remarks 6-16hapter 7. Conclusions and Further Studies 7-1.1. Conclusions 7-1.2. Further Studies 7-4eferences R-1ppendix I. A-1ppendix II. Nomenclature A-33547599 bytesapplication/pdfen-US橋橋梁頻率橋梁頻率量測現地實驗間接法參數分析經驗模態分離希爾伯特-黃轉換bridgefrequencybridge frequencymeasurementfield testindirect approachparametric studyFourier spectrumempirical mode decompositionEMDHilbert-Huang transformHHT橋梁頻率間接量測法之研究Indirect Approach for Measuring the Bridge Frequencies from a Passing Vehiclethesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/187872/1/ntu-98-F91521208-1.pdf