臺灣大學: 生化科技學系潘子明鄭偉宏Jheng, Wei-HongWei-HongJheng2013-03-212018-07-062013-03-212018-07-062011http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/247620近幾年來因消費者健康意識抬頭,對傳統合成色素安全性的疑慮,加上政府衛生管理日趨嚴格的情況下,全球的天然色素市場已有不斷的增加的趨勢。紅麴色素為紅麴次級代謝物之一,屬於一群具有 azaphilone 結構的聚縮酮 (polyketides) 天然物。近年來有文獻指出紅麴之黃色素 monascin 與 ankaflavin 具有良好的生理活性功能,例如抗發炎、抑制癌細胞生長等,為極具保健功效潛力的天然化合物。本研究分別利用液態與固態兩種培養系統,探討起始 pH 值、溫度、不同碳氮源種類、乙醇添加、水添加與培養時間等不同培養條件,對 Monascus purpureus NTU 568 黃色素生產之影響,再以反應曲面法 (response surface methodology, RSM) 找出 monascin 與 ankaflavin 最適化生產的條件組合。液態培養結果顯示培養時間八天,澱粉濃度 3.8%、起始 pH 5.2 及乙醇添加 0.5% 時,monascin由原先 9.8 mg/g 提升至 17.4 mg/g、ankaflavin 由 4.4 mg/g 提升至 6.5 mg/g,而 citrinin 則從 3.3 ppm 稍微提升至為 4.4 ppm。以山藥作為固態發酵培養基質時,當培養溫度為 35oC、加水量 200 mL、乙醇添加 0.5% 時,monascin由原先 3.4 mg/g 提升至 9.4 mg/g、ankaflavin 由 1.2 mg/g 提升至 3.8 mg/g,而 citrinin 則從 5.4 ppm 降為 2.9 ppm。將反應曲面法所得之結果以攪拌式發酵槽與氣舉式發酵槽進行放大培養,攪拌式發酵槽所得之 monascin 與 ankaflavin 產量分別為28.1 mg/g 及 15.8 mg/g,citrinin 產量為 3.3 mg/kg;氣舉式發酵槽所得之 monascin 與 ankaflavin 產量分別為 25.9 mg/g 及 14.3 mg/g,citrinin 產量為 4.8 mg/kg。The market of the natural products on an international level is in a phase of extraordinary expansion. The pigments of Monascus spp. are secondary metabolites belong to the group of polyketides. Monascus pigments composed of yellow, orange and red pigments which belonged to an azaphilone skeleton, and have been reported to possess anti-inflammantory and anticancer activities. In this study, Monascus purpureus NTU 568 was fermented under solid and submerged conditions, and culture conditions (cultural time, initial pH value, carbon source, nitrogen source, cultural temperature and ethanol addition) were selected to investigate the effect on monascin and ankaflavin production. Furthermore, response surface methodology (RSM) was applied in order to seek the optimal culture conditions. Culture conditions were as following: with 3.8% carbon source concentration, initial pH value were 5.2 and adding 0.5% ethanol, after 8-days cultivation the production of monascin and ankaflavin would be increase from 9.8 mg/g to 17.4 mg/g and 4.5 to 6.6 mg/g respectively, citrinin would be increase from 3.3 ppm to 4.4 ppm in submerged fermentation. In addition, while dioscorea was used as the solid culture substrate, and the optimal culture conditions were as following: cultural temperature 35oC, 200 mL water and 0.5% ethanol were added, after 8-days cultivation, the production of monascin and ankaflavin would be increase from 3.4 mg/g to 9.4 mg/g and 1.3 to 3.4 mg/g respectively, citrinin would be decreased from 5.4 ppm to 2.9 ppm. Afterward, the optimal cultivation conditions were carried out using stirred tank fermentor and airlift fermentor. The production of monascin and ankaflavin were 28.1 mg/g and 15.8 mg/g respectively, citrinin concentration was 3.3 mg/kg in strried tank fermentor; on the other hand, the production of monascin and ankaflavin were 25.9 mg/g and 14.3 mg/g respectively, citrinin concentration was 4.8 mg/kg in airlift fermentor.8676099 bytesapplication/pdfen-US紅麴monascinankaflavincitrinin反應曲面法 (RSM)Monascusresponse surface methodology (RSM)[SDGs]SDG3紅麴黃色素 monascin 與 ankaflavin 最適生產條件之研究Study on the optimal production conditions of Monascus-fermented yellow pigments monascin and ankaflavinthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/247620/1/ntu-100-R97b47115-1.pdf