臺灣大學: 電子工程學研究所李致毅劉邦哲Liu, Pong-ChePong-CheLiu2013-04-102018-07-102013-04-102018-07-102011http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/256824在本論文中以台積電65奈米製程實現了一個操作在24-GHz完全整合的分數型頻率合成器。本頻率合成器達到在1 MHz偏移頻率下 -88.47 dBc/Hz 的相位雜訊,-49 dBc的參考突波,及 -50dBc的分數突波,在1.4伏特的供應電壓下消耗84毫瓦之功率。使用三角積分分數型頻率合成器作為連續波頻率調變產生器,本頻率合成器線性地調變載波頻率達220MHz。進一步與收發機前端及以快速傅利葉轉換為基礎的基頻處理器整合,在1.4伏特的供應電壓下消耗392毫瓦之功率,本原型最遠可以偵測到100公尺外的中型轎車。In this thesis, a fully-integrated fractional-N synthesizer operating at 24 GHz which is fabricated in 65-nm TSMC CMOS technology has been realized. The synthesizer achieve the phase noise of -88.47 dBc/Hz at 1-MHz offset, the reference spurs of -49 dBc and the fractional spurs -50 dBc, consuming 84mW from 1.4-V supply. Utilizing a delta-sigma fractional-N synthesizer as the FMCW generator, the synthesizer linearly modulates the carrier frequency across a range of 220 MHz. Further integration has been made with the transceiver front-end as well as an FFT-based baseband processor; this prototype provides a maximum detectable distance exceed 100 meters for a mid-size car while consuming 392 mW from a 1.4-V supply.2894289 bytesapplication/pdfen-US連續波頻率調變雷達24-GHz分數型頻率合成器快速傅利葉轉換Frequency modulated continuous-wave (FMCW) radar24 GHzfractional-N synthesizerfast Fourier transform (FFT)24-GHz分數型頻率合成器及微波防撞雷達模組A 24-GHz Fractional-N Frequency Synthesizer and Microwave Anti-collision RADAR Modulethesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/256824/1/ntu-100-R98943136-1.pdf