國立臺灣大學電信工程學研究所許博文2006-07-262018-07-052006-07-262018-07-052001-07-31http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/20233To match the common planar structure in all the sub-projects of this integrated research project, we study in this sub-project a dual-band printed antenna that could be used in both 21 to 23 GHz and 24 to 26 GHz frequencies. The proposed antenna is a coplanar waveguide fed slot-loop coupled microstrip antenna. Without using any parasitic elements, this antenna can have a bandwidth several times wider than any typical slot coupled microstrip antenna. Also, the operating frequencies of the slot-loop and the microstrip antenna can be adjusted to lie separately in the two desired frequency bands. The theoretical analysis is based on the method of moments using rooftop basis functions, while the experimental trial and error will be called upon in the actual design to compensate for the discrepancy between theory and experiment in K-band. The method of analysis and the experimental setup had been established in the first year, the detailed design had been processed in the second year, and a prototype antenna that meets the design specifications has been completed in this (third) year. This report summarizes the final year’s research results that by using the analysis method and the experimental setup developed in the previous years, we have tuned the antenna design in the K-band to a satisfactory result.為配合整合型計畫各子計畫之平面結構,本子計畫研究供21∼23GHz及24 ∼26GHz兩頻段均能使用之平面型印刷天線。採用之天線為共面波導饋入之環 狀槽孔耦合微帶天線。此天線,在不使用寄生元件時,即可比一般直槽耦合微 帶天線多數倍的適用頻寬。經由適當之設計,環狀槽孔及微帶天線之操作頻率 可分別落於需要的兩頻段內而達到雙頻操作之目的。本研究之理論分析採用以 屋頂形函數為基底之動差法,而實驗試錯法被用來做細部設計以彌補在K-頻 段時理論之不足。計畫第一年以建立理論模型及實驗平台為主,第二年進行細 部設計,第三年則完成符合規格之雛型成品。本報告為本計畫第三年之研究成 果報告,利用前二年所建立之理論模型及實驗平台,在K-頻段加以細部微調, 獲得相當不錯的設計結果。application/pdf52597 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學電信工程學研究所Coplanar WaveguideSlot LoopMicrostrip Antenna共面波導環狀槽孔微帶天線K-頻段無線收發關鍵元組件之研究(3/3)子計畫一:K-頻段雙頻印刷天線(3/3)Key Devices and Components for K-band Wireless Transceiver (3/3) Sub-Project 1: A K-Band Dual-Frequency Pr inted Antenna (3/3)reporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/20233/1/892219E002039.pdf